Trump keeps using the term "deep state" to refer to anyone that stands in his way, however it should be noted that the term typically refers to a shadow government whose purpose is to enrich or increase the power of its members. So it's rather ironic to be used derogatively by someone whose primary goal is using the government to enrich and increase the power of himself and anyone who sucks up to him.
Trump claims to want to clear the swamp when he is the swamp. Trump & Musk claim to want to fight the the deep state when they are the deep state. The Oligarchs are in charge, and they always have been.
There actually is a deep state, it’s just nothing like what the far right imagines. Jeffrey Sachs and Aaron Good Discuss ‘American Exception: Empire and the Deep State’
It's not irony, it's projection.
The deep state is just the bureaucracy, it spans administrations via careerists and institutions (as in just literally being important in a department). It is not inherently good or bad when decontextualized, but because the US is an empire premised on others' disposession, it tends to mean that disposession is done very effectively regardless of who might technically be in power.
There is no deep state shut up.
There are no government employees spanning administrations that keep agendas going?
That’s just the state and the states employees civil servants. You’ve made a new definition and claimed something exists because you’ve subverted the meaning.
Politicians don’t, and never have run government. That’s not their job. The job of a politician is to decide legislation and policy of the state. This is carried out by civil servants.
The deep state is made entirely of state employees and civil servants, exactly. The only distinction made is that the deep state bureaucracy can run its own agendas, even against elected executive leadership. Can you think of any departments or agencies that have exhibited such behavior?
That's because Republicans are Patriots who want the BEST for this Country! And allowing people who WOULDNT PASS A SECURITY CLEARANCE to have Access to ALL our Top Secret Documents is how we do that!
I'm past the point where it shocks me
Yeah honestly, for all the value this has, they might as well just dispense with any vetting whatsoever. We know it’s a farce.
I've ceased being shocked, but with every mention of private Putin-penis holster and his ilk I get more depressed. Like that meme of the guy looking up to watch the oncoming apocalypse.
But her emails (sarcasm)
What a fucking joke.
They had their chance at the voting booth... Fighting the good fight is hard when people vote against their interest.
What the hell do you think this country was supposed to stand for when James Madison said that government's role is to protect the opulent minority from the majority, when the revolutionary war broke out around the time England started considering outlawing slavery, when Thomas Jefferson kept slave girls in his bedroom and raped them daily, when Thomas Jefferson lobbies to end the slave trade because it would make his breeding plantations more money, when Mount Rushmore was carved into a sacred mountain out of spite for the indigenous, when the US government killed all the plains buffalo because they had a treaty with the Lakota people that included the term "for as long as the buffalo roam the plains", when the USA without question invaded Vietnam in an attempt to maintain the French colony against the Vietnamese people's desire for liberty, when the USA told Japan not to vacate the Korean peninsula where they raped and tortured people for years so that the USA could take over the colony on their behalf, when the USA took over The Phillipines from King Phillip of Spain and built a brutal occupying military police force so effective that they brought it back to create the State Police system that was used to continue violently breaking strikes when local cops started feeling bad about killing their neighbors, when the Philadelphia police department dropped an incendiary bomb on a housing in a black ghetto because it couldn't arrest some of the people inside it, when the USA imprisons more people per capita than even the height of the Soviet GULAG system when it was housing Nazi POWs, when the USA votes every single year at the UN against the banning of the glorification of Nazis, ....
What do you think this country fucking stands for?
Kinda hard to read this seeming stream of consciousness response, but I'm probably not qualified to do so anyway since I'm not much of a history buff (although I will point out that Philadelphia was under a black mayor during the MOVE incident you referenced - not that this fact means much, all things considered).
It seems to me that people seeking positions of power are rarely the type of people who actually should have that power, and the examples you cite are just some of the many experienced by the world at large. Humanity sucks. We may be more "intelligent" than the rest of the animal kingdom we evolved from, but we're still animals at heart - with all the "survival of the fittest" mentality baggage that fact comes with. Unless and until we somehow outgrow that background, we will always be short-sighted, instinctively selfish, and therefore ultimately self-destructive beings as a whole. This is why so many of us have little hope for the future as we watch the inevitable self-destruction happen yet again - only this time with a level of destructive power we've never had before and which we're unlikely to survive as a species.
Perhaps I'm self-deluded in having believed that - despite our not insignificant faults - America was at least as a whole trying to set a better example for how a human society can operate. If that ever was true, I have precious little hope of ever getting fully back on that path - at least not in what remains of my - or even my children's - lifetime.
Worse than having Powell lie about WMDs at the UN tp justify invading Iraq.
This shit is called democracy unfortunately
No, because America is not really a democracy.
EDIT: Here's a comment chain I read last night that says it better than I can.
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