Just like me fr
Smh Bowser needs to read theory, it's "from each according to ability to each according to need" not "everybody gets the same amount of money".
Also he used to refer to himself as "King Koopa", which is deeply cringe.
Capitalist media actually presenting communists honestly challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)
My head canon is Bowser is an idiot that started calling himself a commie because he thought they were the "Cool bad guys" so his understanding is only from anti-communist media. Only recently has he started actually reading theory, which is why he's starting to be less enamored with Peach and doesn't kidnap her anymore.
At least I wish that was the case lmao. My head canon, my rules.
Considering this is one of the Mario parties that pre-dates Mario Sunshine, it's possible that Bowser had been reading parenting books to learn how to raise his son properly, and was practicing various parenting techniques, like teaching kids to share.
Have you played Mario Party? It's a zero sum game that ability had very little play in. Also more importantly he doesn't re-distribute stars, which of course stand for the means of production and capital itself, he's a bourgeois revolutionary concerned only with equal distribution of mere coins, which can maybe help you buy a star should you be privileged enough to pass a star space before mandatory bank deposits, red spaces and chance times deplete your meager savings.
I dunno why but debating Mushroom Kingdom politics is always the funniest shit to me.
I interrogate every angle of mario to my co-workers fairly often. I also have a weirdly deep knowledge of obscure Nintendo stuff so I bring the super show, teaches typing and all to bear.
Like Mario's tribal tattoo.
... Ok I need to know
Ads are canon.
Lmao Gamecube era advertising was wild
They were trying SOOOO hard
I have, but it's been a while and I didn't think too deeply on it. IIRC Bowser can steal your stars, but I'm not sure if that's only in the later games (my little sister was really into the one that came with the gamecube microphone) and maybe not the N64 ones.
Also, Mario Party hot take: despite all the memeing, I maintain that "skill" of a sort is absolutely a factor in Mario Party, similar to Mario Kart. It's certainly not going to be a competitive e-sport, but winning the most mini-games not only lets you have more money to buy stars and the other miscellaneous bullshit that's available on the map, it outright gives you an extra star at the end of the game. In games I played with my younger siblings I consistently won, which if it was down to random chance and pure bullshit wouldn't be the case.
This is a Mario party 2 screenshot, so I feel the discussion is best centered around that game specifically. Mostly cause it makes me correct. Mario Party 2 has a mini game where you bet on one of four guys to win a race and it's absolutely random who wins. I'm sure someone weird enough to learn the Mario party 2 meta could sweep often but that one was random as fuck. If I recall thr bonus stars were 3 randomized from a pool so you couldn't aim for one cause you didn't know which were gonna matter, I could.be wrong there, last I played I was 8.
that ability had very little play in
The minigames are definitely skill-based. If you're consistently winning them you're basically going to win the game unless you get completely destroyed by some bullshit like your entire collection being swapped with another player right before the end of the game.
A lot aren't and many depend on whether or not there's computer players
excuse me sir but the maoist revolution in china resulted in a nearly WHAT distribution of land
It's quite literally a story of how royalty uses blue collar labor as conscripted soldiers to fight their battles and how anti monarchy revolutions will be resisted by everyday people if they feel connected to their monarch, explaining the need for purges and gulags. Mario is a tsarist class traitor that uses illegal drugs as performance enhancing agents as the only way he can compete with revolutionaries.
Mario is the Chiang Kai-Shek of the mushroom kingdom.
Luigi seems really happy about that lmao
Luigi only feels alive when he's staring death in the face.
"That's it, Bowser hurt me more! Make me feel alive again!"
Mario: What am I fighting for? What are you fighting for?
Luigi:.If we make it through this...I'll tell you.
Lakitu is such an inconsistent guy.
So that’s why Mario Party 2 was my most played game on the N64. It all makes sense now.
Mario Party has made me a fascist
I worked hard for my stars, commie scum
I worked even harder for your stars, I hit the right blocks on chance time
This is what I've been trying to tell Hexbear!
Tabletop, DnD, board games, and minecraft. Also Animal Crossing.
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