They're called Hazard, I don't know what the character's pronouns are so I'll keep it as "they/them" until I can find the correct ones.
First of the character is designed to be anarchist corporationsbad woke bait, visible from the character's looks and the way they talk. The origins story video feels like they had written it with every single flash point in mind.
This is the origin story of the character
in the first frame they talk about the system and the powerful and helping people and equality.
The second frame is I guess about bullying or something? I'm guessing they're talking about how competition in capitalism puts people against each other even as children but like couldn't it be framed better?
The third frame is literally "parents were poor and were arguing all the time and my mom died when I was 4 also my dad is alcoholic".
The third frame is just them being the most generic looking punk stereotype and having a guitar or a base or something.
The fourth frame is literally them joining the military to pay for college debt, it's not clarified what military they joined, but I'm assuming it's Overwatch which if I remember correctly are like the U.N. peace keepers or NATO.
The fifth frame is them in a military uniform happy with a dog then a jet crashes into them, that's the military everyone, just walking around with your happy doggo, it had to be a crashed friendly jet because if it was an injury from combat (the literal job of a soldier) it'd look bad because they'd likely be fighting an oppressed rebel, then they're ranting about the system not caring for them, at this point you'd believe they were living like the soldier from "One - Metallica".
The sixth frame shows how the system let them down, by giving them meds cybernatics and a salary, and that is supposed to be their turning point? being injured in a war and not being idk turned into cyborg from teen titans?
the seventh frame is them meeting with the "phreaks" supposed to be anti-system guys or something, not clarified what they are just that they're anti-system, notice how every single other human in the org is a poc (also remember the dog).
Then the montage of frames that are supposed to be relatable, oh look they like music, oh look they're fighting cops, oh look they're robbing a truck, oh look beating up a private mercenary guard.
Final part is them planning and starting a robbery on [generic bad corp] having a weapon or something.
I know this is just a cheap cinematic to sell more treats, but what I find interesting in it is how it tries hard to hit all the buttons, it feels like the execs in the board room were throwing out ideas at what the kids like and relate to these days, I can imagine a bunch of them screaming "bullying, parents arguing, dead mom, alcoholic dead, punk jacket, paying for college using military service, a dog, being screwed by service injury, tattoos, poc anarchists, Hijabi tattooist? robot tattoos, piercings, ACAB, throwing bricks at police cars, rebellion against a corporation" at this point might as well make them vegan, the irony coming from Blizzard, a big ass corporation that mistreats its workers and is known for underpaying, overworking them and having a bad SA environment. They're writing a character fighting against the same system that they enforce and thrive under, but because their asses tried to garner to that audience back when Obama was the president and the mainstream "left" online was Hamilton fans, they got screwed over today.
The other part about this is that this character is unintentionally the average "leftist veteran", The character is shown to be a fully abled bodied white person living in the imperial core who can afford to not kill people for money, gets into punk and probably is of the type that thinks Raise against the machine "Killing in the Name" is about raising against their parents, joins the military in an active war that has been going on since their childhood against sentient robots who don't want to be slaves anymore instead of flipping burgers in OWdonalds, is happy about their service and oh look they got a dog y'all like dogs wokies yes? Then the reason they feel that the system failed them is that they got injured during war in the silliest fucking way ever and they only got a monthly pay and replacement limbs, that's how the system failed, getting worse limbs and a salary instead of a higher salary and better limbs, but killing for money is okay, Then when they join this org made up of poc and the same group of entities they were killing in the military and they welcome them with open arms even though they could've been a fed, their ass thinks they're a leader? mf fuck you, you don't have a word in this shit. Like this person is so selfish, joined the military for selfish gains and got mad at it for selfish loss because they're ass thinks they're shit and deserves more than they got, and when they got into an org they talk over everyone like they own shit. the type of mf to scream at George OW.Bush the 7th "I LOST MY ARM AND LEGS FIGHTING FOR OUT FREEDOM" in a congress meeting.
I don't give a shit enough about the story, but I know that the war they were fighting was against a race called "the omnics" sentient robots who treated like slaves and didn't like it.
Anyhow that was my rant, death to America, and death to the false state of Blizzard.