Most of the DEI/woke in my vidya weirdos are complete fucking tourists and don’t actually play the games.
The reason these communities aren’t doing culture war shit is because they actually enjoy the hobby and are just playing the damn games.
Most of the DEI/woke in my vidya weirdos are complete fucking tourists and don’t actually play the games.
The reason these communities aren’t doing culture war shit is because they actually enjoy the hobby and are just playing the damn games.
STRAFE has a gender slider that just changes how masc/fem your character sounds when they do jump grunts
Reject the gender toggle. Embrace gender sliders.
Gamergaters don't actually play games its all manufactured outrage plus boomer shooters are targetted more towards older millenials who are too busy with life to engage in such pathetic antics. Generally all the older gamers at work I know alternate between, work, kids, factorio, telling me they'd beat me in quake (they won't), boomer shooter.
Ion Fury fuckin rules even though the protag is a cop. Hedon was alright. Project Warlock was pretty good, haven't played the second one yet but I will.
Not female protags but I'm gonna add AMID EVIL and DUSK to the list you put up there because holy shit those games are so good, especially since I'm gonna dip into your list for more! Oh also the first Ziggurat game was pretty neat, didn't dig on the second one as much though.
Unfortunately, Ion Fury devs are transphobes who put a homophobic joke in the game.
Bummer. I must have missed it. Where is it?
That game was very much a "I enjoy this in spite of the shitty themes" thing for me anyway.
Actively transphobic, like posting fuckshit on social media? What's the deal here. I think I own this game on two platforms and still haven't played it yet.
I stay proud of my ability to laugh at myself AND rise above the ignorance of the world, so a lot of jokes roll off my back or I'll ironically enjoy them. But if my people are being hurt the dynamic changes.
I found this article on the slurs in the game, but not any specific tweets which I think were on individual dev accounts and not the studio account
The transphobia was on the devs’ Discord. CW: transphobia
3D Realms can get in the bin too for their “we won’t remove this homophobic joke because it’s CeNsOrShIp” take.
That sucks. There's good odds they have trans people on their own staff and just don't know it.
I wish ignorant people would recognise when they're ignorant and just shut. the fuck. up. about stuff.
Appreciate your effort digging that up for us.
It was just a google search, for a second there I thought you were being sarcastic lol
Civvie is a mensch. I love that he is such an influential voice in the subgenre.
As a boomer shooter enjoyer myself, I think the main reason that the genre is partially inoculated from Gamergate BS is that its remained pretty niche and indie-driven, while the audience that generates artificial outrage about video games only target big budget releases. I mean the biggest release in the category that I can think of is probably Warhammer 40k: Boltgun, made by a studio with only 61 people.
Also I think that the age range for boomer shooters perfectly overlaps with guys who grew up with stuff like Xena and Buffy, but maybe that's just me.
Sooner or later Id will make a Doom game with a female protag, and that's when shit will hit the fan (until they play it and it turns out to be really fun and then they'll all pretend that it was "anti-woke" all along).
It's because they're busy actually fucking playing video games in their spare time instead of screaming about how unsatisfying their lives are into Elon Musk's cesspool of a website
Slightly off topic but I'm looking for 1 or 2 boomer shooters to grab during the Steam sale. My current favs are Prodeus and Turbo Overkill some stuff in the same vein of just over the top ridiculousness is what I'm probably after. I have Dusk, ~~Ion Fury~~, Cultic, and Amid Evil in my cart but am open to suggestions if any wanna talk some up.
Is there anything about boomer shooters that would even appeal to the dweebs complaining about wokeness?
I played Doom 1&2 for the first time last year and it ruled. Where should I get started with boomer shooters? Say I care more about what's the best one than playing in some sort of historical context order.
DUSK is imo the best Doom successor in terms of modern boomer shooters. if you prefer a more abstract/fantastical setting over the demonic cult horror theme of DUSK then AMID EVIL is pretty good too
honorable mention goes to ULTRAKILL which is fantastic, but the only thing that makes it a boomer shooter is the aesthetic: it's a really modern and fast paced high-score focused FPS with much faster movement
in terms of the timeless classics, Quake 1. it's like a cosmic horror/fantastical version of Doom with a Nine Inch Nails soundtrack, the aforementioned Amid Evil was inspired by it. The rest of the Quake franchise past the first game unfortunately became a lot more generic sci-fi
and one last but important recommendation: if you never want to stop playing Doom 1&2 you don't have to, it has probably one of the biggest backlogs of custom made maps in the history of g*ming, shit like Eviternity and its sequel are peak, shit like MyHouse.wad is an experience, the list goes on for basically forever
also shout out to Thatcher's Techbase, the doom wad where you go to the tenth circle of hell (the UK) to kill margaret thatcher again and piss on her grave
Unlike what gamergater would have you believe, it doesn't fucking matter what gender a videogame protagonist is.
i love nightmare reaper
waiting for selaco to come out on gog
there is a little silly thing that both games have in common that i thought was funny
Tabletop, DnD, board games, and minecraft. Also Animal Crossing.
3rd International Volunteer Brigade (Hexbear gaming discord)