Happy new year guys !
Imagine celebrating new year just now and not 8 hours ago
(This comment was made by Asia gang)
Happy new year anyway!
Any big news from 2025 yet? Glad to hear we still exist
Imagine being in 2025 ahead of time... Embarrassing
Happy new year lol
How's 2025 so far?
Pathetic. Every year Europe gang is late to the party
Signed, Australia gang
Pathetic. Every year Australia gang is late to the party
Signed, New Zealand gang
This is a tough neighborhood! Lol
I refuse to accept 2025. I’ll just continue swiftly traveling westward. It will never catch me.
Be careful, I've heard if you travel too far you'll fall off the edge of the day.
Keep this up and it'll be a historic record of default fonts in image editing software.
Imagine still living in 1937. #USA