Rest in Pepperoni, old friend. I remember frantically searching for the disc whenever I needed some extra drivers.
Oh never mind, there it is.
Rest in Pepperoni, old friend. I remember frantically searching for the disc whenever I needed some extra drivers.
Oh never mind, there it is.
Comic-sans is the detail that brings it together
I kind of wish MS would open source Windows 95, like they did with MS-DOS 4. I feel like some programmer out there would treat it like Charlie Brown's Christmas tree. "You're not such a bad little OS, really. You just need a little love."
Gone but not Forgotten
Circuit City
1949 - 2009
What has happened on 2001-12-31? My Windows 95 lived beyond that point. I think I still have it installed on my retro gaming laptop that's lying down in my cellar. Might be time to boot it up once again.
What has happened on 2001-12-31?
That was when extended support ended.
o.O I never knew there even was support for Windows 95. At least it was a time before Windows Update, and I don't know of any Service Packs either. It would have been a pain to download anyway, with my 56k modem and the 20Pfg/min price tag 😬
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