This is such a slap in the face. The tax breaks for the rich will be barely noticeable for them. The increase for everyone else could result in noticeable hardship.
Barely? It won't be noticeable.
This needs to be called Trumps Tax Rises, and repeated over and over again until it sinks in with the morons who voted for him.
Why don’t we just charge the homeless infinite tax money to support the government?
It's the same in Germany, people listed the actual tax cuts that'll happen per income bracket for each of the major parties, and surprisingly the nazi party that keeps drumming up the "We're the common man's party!!!!!!" is the one that wants to make the rich richer.
And if you want to make the rich more richer than the fucking FDP, a factually one-man party by a guy that can only comment "But what about Porsche drivers?!" to any problem you put in front of him, wow are you a rich assholes party.
Remember, fellow Germans: Today we vote. And if on the way out you vote with your fist in the face of a nazi or nazi-sympathizing voter, that's a bonus!
Unfortunately, disinformation seems to be the winning strategy.
From an American: sorry for Facebook, Twitter, all that... Both our parties are kinda bought by big tech, and it's affecting y'all too.
Also, spite. A German acquaintance tells me that their family is going to vote for the AfD to punish their current government. In my opinion, Harris lost because of similar actions—citizens trying to teach a lesson or punish their party for not being what they want it to be (which is a reasonable wish, but I'm not sure about the action). Argentina also had some resentful voters that led to the clown in power today.
Why not vote for some smaller party though? From what I understand, AfD would keep a lot of the bad (highly regressive tax policies, foreign policy).
Looks like income tax is reduced across the board. And the increases come from removal of IRA rebates and adding of tarriffs.
From your link:
Yeah, this is what every economist in the country has been saying for the last 3 months. These idiotic tariffs are going to screw every middle to lower class American.
That completely ass backward,that's like sone kinda 1600 French king shit right there. Well I hope you all like mass emigration. Once people realise what's being taken from them and what a better deal they can get literally anywhere else in the world.
I'm sure it will all trickle down /s
These people have to live somewhere. Why is nobody killing them?
Gated communities.
Also, killing doesn't solve the problem. You have to force transfer of weath/power and that can't happen if someone is dead.
Americans are brainwashed with an ideology of nonviolence
The population has been made isolated at the community level. There are very few local groups doing any reaction at all to this.
And violent reactions which are successful are a group action; it’s very seldom an individual, in any era of history, changed the politics by themselves.
And as long as there are no impromptu gatherings of significant frequency, there will be very little violence.
The internet is not a replacement for community driven change which powers all social and political movements, peaceful or not.
The turning point, if there is one, will be lots of local meetings by the thousands , and not until then. No matter how violent or passive the individuals be
This is so funny because it is 100% the opposite. Violence is everywhere in america and people are completely desensitized to it and is completely fine if it is directed at the poor. Violence on the streets, violence against homeless, shooting your neighbors for pulling up in your driveway to turn, shooting people for not driving how you want, shooting up schools, mass shootings, all completely fine and absolutely no steps are taken against it.
They are brainwashed into nonviolence against the rich and corporate power and encouraged to use tons of violence against the poor and people that look slightly different than them.
Perfectly exemplified by fox (most popular "news" station in america, legally can't call themselves news since they lied too much):
Luigi in an inhumane terrorist traitor who should be killed
the guy who killed homeless people in the same week: "some say that he is a hero" and praising him for the full news cycle
Print, laminate and start ticking this up around your local town centre.
The only way the folks who need to see things like these infographics will see them though:
you can shove it up their ass and they'll still vote for him
I mean, I agree with this and think it should be spread widely, but probably should be in politics or politicalmemes.
Enshittification is, from the sidebar, "The phenomenon of online platforms gradually degrading the quality of their services, often by promoting advertisements and sponsored content, in order to increase profits."
What does this have to do with enshitification?
Can a whole country come under the enshitification banner?
It's certainly trying.
I didn't think it was possible, but clearly....
Here in eu there is 30% tax for job contract salary and landlording is 8% tax
You live in a serfdom
What is enshittification?
The phenomenon of online platforms gradually degrading the quality of their services, often by promoting advertisements and sponsored content, in order to increase profits. (Cory Doctorow, 2022, extracted from Wikitionary) source
The lifecycle of Big Internet
We discuss how predatory big tech platforms live and die by luring people in and then decaying for profit.
Embrace, extend and extinguish
We also discuss how naturally open technologies like the Fediverse can be susceptible to corporate takeovers, rugpulls and subsequent enshittification.