Got me curious, so I did some digging: from a dermatological perspective, I'd give a strong vote 'no'.
This is a wordy article, and not from the kinds of medical resources I usually consider credible, but it passes the smell test and the question is ultimately about glue, so a website specializing in it makes sense - I'd recommend giving it a read:
Ctrl+F "Dangers of Super Glue on Skin" if you want to skip to the juicy bits.
Basically you're looking at chemical burns and skin breakdown as a short-term consequence; and neurological damage long term. You 100% do NOT want neurological damage in your fingers if playing a guitar (or... doing anything that uses your fingers) is important to you.
I'd guess there are products made specifically for this that won't kill your fingers - you could probably find some recommendations at a more specific community here - quick search reveals a good handful of options specific to guitar... no idea if any of them are active, but that'd be a good start.
Good luck, and don't kill your fingers!