But also
Wow, that's disgusting! Where would someone go to get bombarded with these tech job offers? You know, so I can avoid them?
But Black Dynamite, I'm a crazy cat lady!
I've heard dog people say the most unhinged shit about hurting cats.
Last month, I got roped into remoting in to work to deal with an after-hours trouble call. I was in Skype with a tech from another team within my department, whose system talks to the one that I maintain. Out of the fucking blue he just decides to start talking about murdering cats.
I don't like dog hair. It's coarse and rough and stanky, and it gets everywhere.
Some of those same people will go on at great length about how much they hate cats
The difference between HexChapoBearDotNetChat and Reddit:
: Don't correct the President, neckbeard!
: Yes! Ha ha ha, yes!
With ors, it's getting to be the guy who says, "an asteroid, Mr. President" when a hapless staffer makes a typo during an AMA
Is all the world jails and churches?
Plot twist: it was Nick Mullen