In a democracy everyone is a political actor.
Is Solus an image based distro?
The forms I've seen have "white Hispanic" and "non-white Hispanic" because Hispanic isn't a race, it is a culture.
Fewer parties might mean less chaos in Italian politics.
I thought maybe there would be a federal law that would regulate interstate phone communication recording.
Still need to follow due process. If he is guilty (and he probably is), you've got to convict him.
I think due process requires he be convicted first. They really need to get to work on that side of the problem.
If he asks and Israel says no, that creates a riff that'll lead to a huge risk of increased attacks by various regional terrorist groups. It makes sense to ask when Israel is likely to agree under pressure.
I would be okay with them being persevered by zoos. They do not belong to the general public just like we don't tolerate private ownership of jaguars, hyenas, and other dangerous animals.
We all know they'd eat this up.
The progressive congregations that go along with these changes are experiencing a membership free-fall. The paradox is that the more congregations embrace modern values, the more surviving congregations promote the opposite.
Gaddafi would still be alive. Dictators now need nuclear weapons to assure survival. Look for the world to get real crazy real fast.