No misconceptions on my side.
Your business is about three things:
- convenience for the visitor
- web sites being able to signal "we care about privacy"
Both these things are what makes the hype around web privacy/anonymity.
You pinky swear that you don't sell or otherwise abuse personal data, but you still get class A data about which users visit and deeply interact with which site.
Why should I lay all my eggs in one basket in the first place?
Of course the same could be said about a secondary or tertiary email provider but then quite a few exist who are at least as trustworthy as your solution.
I said your business is about three things; I think it's easy to see that the first two lead to you growing your business.
About your elaborate emoji- and buzzword-laden replies, let me reply with Shakespeare: "The lady doth protest too much, methinks"
People have every right and reason to be extremely skeptical about offers like these.
BTW I deleted one of my comments because I realized I was wrong. That seems to have rubbed you the wrong way?
I have a faint inkling of how a service like yours would work and I do not see any way it could work without doing just that. Since both users and site owners need to create an account.
Seriously stop protesting so much. It makes you look bad.