Is £40b a lot?
Isn’t this a good thing? If these people are given the power to enforce societal rules, they should be chosen by society.
Gina wants to pay workers like 20c an hour if she could.
She's a piece of shit and the world will be better off without her.
Because they're not practical devices one can use in everyday life here? If you can't safely travel with it, it's not a practical means of transport.
Hahaha, no American politician ever calls themselves an Australinist. They are fucking nuts, like fanatically end of the world supporting Israel.
Damn NZ what happened, you used to be cool.
To be sexist.
Some people feel others need to be sexually discriminated against because apparently this will achieve something useful?
ABC's really gotten disappointing lately. First Lib gutted it and installed a puppet, and Lab have decided to keep it that way.
That's a bloody outrage it is! I'm gonna take this all the way to the Prime Minister.
Yeah we are? Most normal people don't have huge skeletons in their closet.
Just remember QLD is our Florida.