[-] BynarsAreOk@hexbear.net 1 points 10 hours ago* (last edited 10 hours ago)

Right at the start this idiot starts with a talk about how they are still healthy as if the point is to work and work until you are unhealthy. Its the fucking 21st century, we have technology and rising productivity, some countries, neoliberal countries even are toying with reducing work hours and here are these ghouls trying to excuse raising the retirement age.

Completely soulless and ghoulish and imo there is simply no excuse that doesn't borrow from our enemies rethoric so it is what it is I'm sure this is all part of the "great plan", try to cope I guess.

[-] BynarsAreOk@hexbear.net 1 points 10 hours ago

Hexbear doing the clickbait anti-china thing where a random proffesor/media person/low level official says something means "China says", weird

What on earth are you even talking about, how on earth is it clickbait, HOW ON EARTH IS IT ANTI-CHINA, its literally China Global TV Network, you know, LITERALLY THE STATE OFFICIAL TV NETWORK.

What more do you want? Do you think they'd ever say something as important as this without approval?

Holy shit the mental gymnastics to avoid an L.

This material is distributed by MediaLinks TV, LLC on behalf of CCTV

[-] BynarsAreOk@hexbear.net 2 points 11 hours ago* (last edited 11 hours ago)

Surely thats a rhetorical question once you look at any global temperature chart its clear the US wont collapse in 20 years isn't it?

[-] BynarsAreOk@hexbear.net 4 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

Not sure why this type of garbage mainstream econ "common sense" got upvoted.

Respecfuly, read Graeber's BS jobs. China isn't a magical place exempt from those issues. On the contrary, recent years there is an issue with larger youth unemployment due to too many graduates not finding white collar jobs i.e people want BS jobs that pay well and give benefits. It got nothing to do with productivity or the "workforce".

Tell the office workers in every T1 city they have to take 4h off every week to help with local community services for example, or just reduce the work hours in general.

There are solutions, it requires the party to reevaluate their commitment to economic growth at any cost. China is a complicated topic but the easiest way for them to fail is to listen to exactly this type of mainstream western econ shitty rethoric and surprise surprise stupid decisions like this happens exactly when they do that.

[-] BynarsAreOk@hexbear.net 4 points 3 days ago

Personaly climate change is still the main issue. The data showed the COVID lockdowns were similar to what would be necessary to avoid 1.5C.

At the bare minimum if you wanted to be "civil" about it, we would need global governments to completely enforce a survival mode only economic system, no economic activity beyond the stritcly necessary.

On that front China should absolutely be praised as they're literaly the only ones improving massively, but unfortunately its not enough, the longer we take the more drastic measures would be necessary. Crazy to think but its 2025 already and literaly all projections followed the "worst possible" or "Unexpected" projection lol.

A large part of my frustration is that our past revolutionary comrades never predicted or had to deal with such a hard deadline. Lenin, Mao or Castro etc, none of them were told "if you fail humanity will die in less than a generation".

And it is this lack of urgency that is worrysome. I realy couldn't care less about Chinese or Soviet "diplomacy" towards the US if the year was 1955 and all we fantasized was FALGSC in the year 2000.

Instead its 2025 and we count how many different climate disasters are going to happen within the next 10 years.

[-] BynarsAreOk@hexbear.net 13 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

Russia got too comfortable with the mild sanctions effect in the first two years that they actually believed they can rely on China forever. They are now paying the price.

This is entirely expected, but it wasn't a "mistake". The entire dedollarization rhetoric is a relic of 2022 when it was looking like China was actualy willing to take an independent and adversarial stance against the west. This meant BRICS could have been a viable alternative for a multipolar world under Chinese leadership. Maybe if China continued on that path and decided 2022-2025 would be the time period to settle the Taiwan question using BRICS as their defensive bloc.

Instead of course we get the opposite. The west complained, a Pelosi humiliated them and the media called them "wolf warriors" then everything took a 180 turn. China since then reassured the west that they wont even try to use BRICS as their own bloc/platform and that they only want "collaboration" and "peace".

I'll quote MR way from April '23 where he basicaly confirms all these "difficulties" with dedollarization(putting it mildly)


It’s undoubtedly true that the imposition of economic sanctions on Russia employed by the imperialist governments – banning of energy imports; seizing FX reserves; closing international banking settlement systems – has accelerated the move away from holding the dollar and euro. However, Lagarde added the caveat that this trend is still way short of dramatically changing the global financial order. “These developments do not point to any imminent loss of dominance for the US dollar or the euro. So far, the data do not show substantial changes in the use of international currencies. But they do suggest that international currency status should no longer be taken for granted.”

Lagarde is right. As I have shown in previous posts, that although the US and the EU have lost ground in the share of world production, trade and even currency transactions and reserves, there is still a long way to go before declaring a ‘fragmented’ world economy in that sense.

The US dollar (and to a lesser extent the euro) remains dominant in international payments. The US dollar is not being gradually replaced by the euro, or the yen, or even the Chinese renminbi, but by a batch of minor currencies.

The US dollar and its hegemony is not under threat yet because “50-60% of foreign-held US short-term assets are in the hands of governments with strong ties to the United States – meaning they are unlikely to be divested for geopolitical reasons.” (Lagarde). And it’s even the case that ‘anti-US’ China remains heavily committed in its FX reserves to the US dollar. China publicly reported that it reduced the dollar share of its reserves from 79% to 58% between 2005 and 2014. But China doesn’t appear to have changed the dollar share of its reserves in the last ten years.

As Patrick Bond put it recently: “The “talk left, walk right” of BRICS’ role in global finance is seen not only in its vigorous financial support for the International Monetary Fund during the 2010s, but more recently in the decision by the BRICS New Development Bank – supposedly an alternative to the World Bank – to declare a freeze on its Russian portfolio in early March, since otherwise it would not have retained its Western credit rating of AA+. ” And Russia is a 20% equity holder in NDB.


Since the stupid embarrassing Xi-Biden meeting in Nov '23(which happened over a month after Oct 7th and after everyone knew what the Gaza genocide looked like), China says US bad for everyone that wants to hear. Then they turn around and literaly welcome the same people we call nazis here. They are following through with what they say, like it or not.

I think dedollarization is still possible but it requires commitment to creating a crisis for the global economy and sadly nobody wants that. Sadly atm there is not much to look forward to, there is no indication China will change their stance.

[-] BynarsAreOk@hexbear.net 34 points 4 days ago

I think that China could do absolutely untold damage to the American psyche and illusion of invulnerability if it simply instantly obliterated these clowns on Taiwan from hundreds of kilometers away with a cloud of drones dense enough to block out the sun.

IDK about this, I think this is quite unrealistic and almost mythical level thinking.

IMO drones work well in Ukraine because its a huge battlefield we haven't seen something like this since WW2. For some context the Ukraine war front is well over 1000km.

The current Korean DMZ is a "tiny" 250km. The Taiwan straight is also something like 300kmx180km or so.

This means that both sides have trouble providing consistent and effective air cover for their troops, despite the Russian natural advantage Ukrainian drones are still quite effective.

Turning to Taiwan this is the opposite, it would be a very concentrated battle and anti-drone systems should be more effective simply because its a smaller area.

China already achieved military superiority over the US and the conflict will be decided over naval superiority by destroying or even damaging the US carrier fleet. In fact I do like the theory sinking a US carrier would be far worse than 9/11 for the average population and internal US politics, although perhaps that would mean accepting a WW3.

[-] BynarsAreOk@hexbear.net 94 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

Hey Ukraine how is the war going?

Very well apparently so we got time for a little vacation, as a treat of course.

[-] BynarsAreOk@hexbear.net 85 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

Still not as embarrassing as angular-merkel admitting the Minsk agreements were all just to buy time for Ukraine.

The original narratives about Ukraine no longer matter, the only thing left in the collective consciousness is Ukraine is a democracy therefore the war is about "western values". The good thing is since then even a good part liberals don't care about that anymore, its impossible to manufacture a narrative that Ukraine is winning right now, at best they "resisting" evil Putler and Zelensky does nothing but beg for more aid.

[-] BynarsAreOk@hexbear.net 84 points 3 months ago

That sub used to be part of the "reddit left" with a decent overlap with latestagecapitalism etc. Bernie era used to be a good time to "educate" people there about socialism, even if just pointing out that collapse is capitalism's fault.

But given the massive overlapping userbase a lot of those old users moved on, as you know the reddit "left" is a shadow now(thats being generous), so this is just another example of the overall trend of the site. Every criticism of capitalism/US is "political" therefore confined within blue vs red MAGA now.

submitted 4 months ago by BynarsAreOk@hexbear.net to c/games@hexbear.net

A long endorsement of open source software before announcing he will be making Godot tutorials now.

Might be a good incentive to switch or try out game dev if you're new btw.

submitted 5 months ago by BynarsAreOk@hexbear.net to c/games@hexbear.net

I prefers the term of Dialectical Materialism simulator.

It’s a fantasy game for closet commies, as HOI IV is for closet Nazis or Wehraboos in the end

I'm not bothering to read much of this(500 comments?), but after a few minutes quick glance its the usual fairly above average positive response as usual.

I wonder if it is because with the game becoming less popular again most of the mainstream is gone already.


22 December 2023 Amazon may no longer sell its own wifi routers in Germany, as they infringe a Wifi 6 patent from Huawei. This was decided by Munich Regional Court last week following the oral hearing. The ruling does not affect the sale of third-party wifi routers via the Amazon platform.

Two European subsidiaries of Amazon and Eero – a manufacturer of wifi routers also owned by Amazon – have infringed European patent EP 3334112 and may now no longer sell Wifi-6-capable products in Germany. The Regional Court Munich handed down this ruling on December 15, on the same day as the hearing.

Huawei had sued for injunctive relief, information and accounting, destruction, recall and damages (case ID: 7 O 10988/22).

However, the ruling only affects wifi routers that Amazon and Eero manufacture themselves, such as the Amazon Fire TV Stick 4k. Other manufacturers may continue to sell their products via the Amazon platform.

Potential damages Huawei can enforce the judgment against a security deposit totaling €4.5 million. Amazon may appeal against the judgment, and this is considered likely. However, the court has not justified its surprisingly quick decision in writing yet. According to JUVE Patent information Amazon has not yet filed an appeal.

If the ruling stands, Amazon would have to compensate Huawei for the damages it has suffered since 19 March 2020. According to JUVE Patent information, Amazon has not thus far filed a nullity action against EP 112, but has concentrated on the FRAND defence.

Four claims against Amazon The judgment is part of a larger dispute over Wifi 6 patents. Huawei has also sued Amazon over another Wifi 6 patent in Munich (case ID: 7 O 10987/22). The court will hear this case in March 2024. In Düsseldorf and Munich, Huawei sued Amazon over a Wifi 5 patent, but the courts have not yet set a date for the oral hearing.

Huawei is also taking action against Fritzbox manufacturer AVM with two infringement suits at the Regional Court Munich. In November, according to press reports the court ordered AVM to cease and desist. The court was of the opinion that Wifi-6-capable AVM products infringed Huawei’s EP 3 337 077. AVM has since appealed against the ruling.

In addition, Huawei sued other companies such as Netgear and automotive group Stellantis. The Chinese company sued the former at Düsseldorf Regional Court. Huawei sued Stellantis back in 2022 over mobile phone patents that play a role in car connectivity. The Netherlands-based company manufactures about six million cars a year under the Fiat, Opel, Peugeot and Citroën brands.

Huawei turns to UPC While Huawei only sued Amazon and AVM in German patent courts, the Chinese company escalated its dispute with Netgear to the Unified Patent Court in July. Previously, Huawei had not had much success at Düsseldorf Regional Court. The court had dismissed one of Huawei’s lawsuits and suspended the second.

Huawei’s lawsuit at the Munich local division was one of the first SEP proceedings at the new court (case ID: ACT_459771/2023). According to the website www.upc.beetz.nl Netgear recently has filed a counter claim of revocation with the UPC.

Where are the "but but ze seeseepee only steals our technology!111!!" responses now lol.

[-] BynarsAreOk@hexbear.net 72 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

OMG Hasan literally caught a bot pretending to be a journalist(supporting the Hamas rocket narrative) in real time deleting their posts and changing their profile, wild shit.

Twitch clip

Source: I'm the rocket



I have good word from :quark:, it just wasn't making the bean counters happy enough anymore.

Is... is this the light at the end? Picard and Discovery ending? :sicko-wholesome:

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