[-] CTHlurker@hexbear.net 8 points 3 months ago

Fun fact: I have been completely banned from talking about Morrocan politics with my moroccan inlaws because I kept asking about the differences between West Sahara and Palestine. Apparently I was an idiot who did not appreciate that Morrocco had a rightful claim to the land (doubtful) as it used to be ruled by the kingdom of Morocco prior to Spanish and French colonization.

[-] CTHlurker@hexbear.net 8 points 5 months ago

Went to the RoK a month ago and stayed for a week. Received a few comments from people at the university I visited that they could not believe that I was the same age as a bunch of them and had 2 kids. They all said that they would love to have children one day, but it took so much work to get to someplace comfortable that they could not imagine starting over after having a child. Also, Hell Joeseon has a serious problem with male chauvinism, to the point where women complain about it if you are a foreigner and there aren't korean men nearby.

[-] CTHlurker@hexbear.net 9 points 7 months ago

#Tradle #771 1/6



reasoningFigured this was a Gulf-state and vaguely remembered something I had heard about one of the monarchies being a gas-exporter rather than oil-exporter. Turns out I was right lol.

[-] CTHlurker@hexbear.net 9 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

#Tradle #765 4/6







Guessed Sao Tome at first, because the island looked too industrialized to be in the pacific, then half remembered Christmas Island from that Chapo-guest who sang about invading it, and then looked up a map of the pacific islands and guessed two that seemed like they would be industrialized without being rich, owing to the fact that the island exports for 12 million dollars in total.

[-] CTHlurker@hexbear.net 9 points 9 months ago

on one hand, their water supply is rapidly dwindling and the Salt Lake is probably going to become an airborne toxic event within the next decade. On the other hand, they're probably the most easily organized group in the American South West and would absolutely wipe the floor with any other state that might try to stand up to them.

[-] CTHlurker@hexbear.net 8 points 10 months ago

Thought you said breeding, and was wondering if I had left Hexbear all of a sudden.

[-] CTHlurker@hexbear.net 8 points 10 months ago

Been trying to read more in the past couple of days. Borrowed one of those demonic self-help books that everyone on my instagram is swearing by, and while the book itself is brainwormed (LOTS of great-man thinking, and reverence for people who's only job is "investor"), forcing myself to spend a 60-90 minutes every evening has been quite interesting. I sort of fell out of the habit of reading seriously since my son was born, especially since I already had a daughter, and trying to keep them alive has been a handful.

The book in question is "Deep Work" by Cal Newport, and it includes an incredibly funny section about the statistical genius known as Nate Silver, which has aged absolutely perfectly.

[-] CTHlurker@hexbear.net 9 points 10 months ago

Honestly, a lot of people in the West seem to be stuck in the 90s. Thats why they keep voting for SucDems who hate them, think Russia is falling apart, think China's armed forces are completely degraded due to corruption and graft (lmao, this was said by a coworker the same day it came out that Danish Naval Ships had no functioning cannons).

[-] CTHlurker@hexbear.net 9 points 11 months ago

Setting aside the moral case against corruption, American politicians are notoriously cheap to buy, particularly at the federal level. Local politicians are apparently better at getting the bag, at least according to thinky-felix

Joe Biden was famously the poorest senator, despite being the main sponsor of every single terrible bill getting voted on in the senate. So he seemingly believed so strongly in neoliberalism that he didn't need to receive any money in exchange for writing a dogshit bill that fucked over an entire country.

[-] CTHlurker@hexbear.net 9 points 1 year ago

Come join me in the Tax Prosecutors office (not really my area but close enough) and help create an entire new generation of fascists when you go to petite bougie and tell them that they can't use their business as a slush fund. I love it here shrek-pixel-despair

[-] CTHlurker@hexbear.net 8 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

That movie was fucking weird. It looked like they changed script halfway through and suddenly you had a Jackie Chan movie rather than the way more interesting Nothern Ireland / IRA movie that the first half was about.

Also when I watched it while visiting my parents, I had to restrain myself from singing the IRA songs, since the movie doesn't really make them out to be the good guys and my parents are mega libs.

[-] CTHlurker@hexbear.net 9 points 1 year ago

A country who seemingly jumps from economic crisis to economic crisis, with no respite, and who's economy is so utterly dominated by large landowners that it mirrors the antebellum South, is planning on cutting all ties to its 2nd biggest trading partner, whom they import more from than any other singular nation.

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