You are correct, but! 87% = Nearly 90%
The gist might have been that the Russian envoy did appear at the location but wouldn’t negotiate
"Gobbunism no food" not doing it for you anymore? Try the revolutionary new "Gobbunism 1 food"!
I was await 410bdf post.
Also that man looks old.
if not every country, period
Pretty much, yes. Article 93 makes all UN members parties to the court's statute.
thecradle blocks Tor, link:
Yea! Doming nazis in enlisted, fun!
I've been thinking every time I see stuff like this, the U.S. army couldn't deal with Afghanistan, and I guess that even goes back to Vietnam. (Though, the Red Army couldn't deal with Afghanistan either, so I guess it's more that regular armies can't deal with protracted? guerilla warfare? too well? IDK). But also, any country that can deal with the blow from the first wave (i.e. everything they have at the start of the war, when they are fully stocked up) can probably just outproduce them?
The US army only really works on the traditional armies of over-exploited countries I guess.
They are not socialist. They are "Social Democratic", capitalism, but the workers get a bigger share. The parasites known as Capitalists, or Burg... fucking french... Bourgeoisie, are still a thing. The workers do not own the tools.
Yea, make it as clear as possible what each option does please.
Also, a setting for pausing on death might be nice.