[-] Englishgrinn@lemmy.ca 2 points 6 hours ago

It's true - I can remember a year ago, maybe two? Back when he was still on Fox News Tucker Carlson was constantly on about how we were under a tyrannical dictatorship and how Americans should "free" us. This "not viable as a country" thing is just another attempt at justifying their aggression and it's just as hollow and stupid. The lies and fallacies just cycle through until something sticks, it's the goals that remain the same.

The truth is, they want us out of the way because our multiculturalism and socialism are threats to their siloed reality. We're too similar to them, too successful. We're a living repudiation of everything they believe, of all the lies they need to be true to justify their cruelty and bigotry.

We were never going to be allowed to live in peace, for no other reason than we are a constant reminder of the truth.

[-] Englishgrinn@lemmy.ca 12 points 1 day ago

I doubt there was one, given ICE's recent behaviour, but did they give even the slightest reason why her student visa has been revoked? She was a fulbright scholar PhD student. Not exactly the supposedly "dangerous" immigrant the nazis always invent.

[-] Englishgrinn@lemmy.ca 17 points 2 days ago

It's honestly a little reassuring to here that the reason for these tariffs is "We want to tax the ever-loving shit out of our citizens so we can give money to billionaires, but we don't want to call it a tax."

At least that means that it wasn't meant to be an act of betrayal and pre-text to war with Canada. I mean, it still was an act of betrayal creating massive hardship and permanently damaging our relationship. But the idea of a Russian/Ukraine remake happening along the 49th parallel seems less likely than it did.

[-] Englishgrinn@lemmy.ca 15 points 2 days ago

I believe the way it worked was - the middle and lower class tax cuts had a built-in sunset and the upper class tax cuts were permanent. That way it looked like everyone got a cut, but really it was just a temporary relief for the poors and a real transfer of wealth to the upper echelons.

I don't believe they're engaging in such pageantry this time. But I'm not an American, maybe someone will correct me.

[-] Englishgrinn@lemmy.ca 8 points 2 days ago

I think you can do more with civil disobedience in your own country than you can by picking up a rifle for us. Unless half your damn country shows up willing to fight and die for us, we'll never have enough bodies to do anything but resist occupation and make guerilla strikes. Think less Vietnam and more The Troubles.

But America traditionally does very poorly in war without strong support at home. When Americans lose a war, it's never about guns and bombs, but always about domestic support falling through. And that'll be even more true under your newly minted fascist regime. The fascist lives and dies on the widely spread lie of its own heroic, masculine ideal. Undercutting that hurts the fascist regime pretty severely.


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