[-] Int_not_found@feddit.de 20 points 7 months ago

Das gute an einer Person/Partei, deren Meinung sich verhält, wie ein Fähnchen im Wind. Im Prinzip ist es egal was Merz jetzt ankündigt.

[-] Int_not_found@feddit.de 25 points 7 months ago

Ahh ich hasse so reißerische Clickbait-Artikel wie die Pest und die selektive Zitierung macht es noch schlimmer. Die Überschrift ist einfach falsch. Habeck hat garnichts gerechnet. Er hat Zahlen einer vom Umweltbundesamt erstellten Prognose präsentiert.

Prognosen in einem so komplexen Feld, wie Treibhausgasemissionen mit ihren verschiedensten (zum Teil negativen) Ausstoß-Äquvalenzen haben immer die Spannung zwischen Genauigkeit und Vergleichbarkeit.

Was hier kritisiert wird, ist dass in der Vergangenheit beschlossene Abschnitte in der Vergleichbarkeit nun zu gunsten der aktuellen Regierung ausfallen.

Das ist kein schön rechnen. Das ist einfach die politische Auswirkung, wenn man eine Metrik als Maß des Erfolgs festlegt. Die Metrik wird effektiv nutzlos.

Man hatte eine Überschrift wählen können, wie 'Haben die Grünen wirklich 1Mrd. Tonnen CO2 gespart? ' oder man geht ganz vom Clickbait weg und schreibt 'Politiker macht Politik'. Aber das würde ja nur einen Teil der 'Eigentlich sind die Grünen garnicht so Grün ' - Crowd ansprechen. So deckt man die verschiedensten Motivationen für die verschiedensten Leute ab diesen Artikel zu lesen.

Einfach nur schäbig und unseriös.

[-] Int_not_found@feddit.de 21 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

1.) Germany has civil laws giving a person depicted similar rights as the creator of an image. It is also an criminal offense publishing images, that are designt to damage an persons public image, Those aren't perfect, mainly because there wording is outdated, but the more general legal sentiment is there.

2.) The police traces the origin through detective work. Social Cycles in schools aren't that huge so p2p distribution is pretty traceable & publishing sites usually have ip-logs.

A criminal court decides the severity of the punishment for the perpetrator. A civil court decides about the amount of monetary damages, that were caused and have to be compensated by the perp or his/her legal guardian.

People simply forwarding such material can also be liable (since they are distributing copyrighted material) & therefore the distribution can be slowed or stopped.,

3.) It gives the police a reason to investigate, gives victims a tool to stop distribution & is a way to compensate the damages caused to victims

[-] Int_not_found@feddit.de 12 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

Wants that the concerns of people are taken seriously, but uses alt right dogwhistles like 'immigration is a problem' & 'globalist are destroying this country'. Both are absolut non-problems of the common folk, but are used in line with real problems, like rising cost of living.

You, sir, are a clown.

[-] Int_not_found@feddit.de 7 points 10 months ago

Bloß das die Standardeinstellung gerne mal verkackt ist und es ist den Herstellern egal, weil es nicht die Pflicht des Herstellers ist, die korrekte Einstellung der Scheinwerfer sicherzustellen.

[-] Int_not_found@feddit.de 7 points 11 months ago

You couldnt even get money for your information

Well, you could. Taking part in surveys in exchange of monetary compensation is a side hustle for many.

And on the other side is sourcing data a huge expense for many research endeavours.

That's why everybody is buying from Google & Facebook. Because they offer it for relative low cost.

[-] Int_not_found@feddit.de 30 points 1 year ago

Nah. Things like this aren't meant to have a large appeal. It aims to expoilt the few customer with lack of financial control. 'Just not buying' doesn't really hurt the company since it didn't really cost anything in the first place. It is (like a scam) designed to filter out financially irresponsibile people and extract as much money as possible from them.

[-] Int_not_found@feddit.de 6 points 1 year ago

Just FYI zumindest stationäre Blitzer müssen immer begründet werden, i.d.R mit einer besonderen Gefahrenlage.

[-] Int_not_found@feddit.de 56 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

As someone, who loves dunking on the Schufa, as any good German should. The Schufa-Score isn't nearly as insane as some American credit score systems. Having an registered checkingsaccount & no outstanding bills or debt payments is enough data to have a high score.

You don't need to repay debt to show, that you are able to.

[-] Int_not_found@feddit.de 88 points 1 year ago

Sie dübelt mich mit dem Anschnaller... :/

[-] Int_not_found@feddit.de 29 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

As a Data Scientist I can say: The present danger from AI isn't the the singularity. That's science fiction. It's the lack of comprehension what an AI is & the push to involve it more and more into certain decision making processes.

Current AIs are at there cores just statistical models, that assign probabilities to answers, based on previously observed data.

Governments and cooperations around the globe try to use these models to automate decisions. One massive problem here is the lack of transparency and human bias in the data.

For example, when a cooperation uses an AI to determine who should be fired. You get fired, you try to complain, but you just get the answer the maschine had a wide variety of input data & you should have worked harder.

We experienced in the past, that AIs focus on things we don't necessarily want them to focus on. In the example from above maybe your job performance was better then your colleges Dave, but you are a PoC and Dave is white. In the past PoCs were more prone to get fired, so the AI decided, that you are the most probable answer to the question 'Who should we fire?'.

If a human would have made the decision you could interview him and discover the underlying racism in this decision. Deciphering the decision of an AI is next to impossible.

So we slowly take away our ability to address wrongs in our burocratic processes, by cementing them into statistical models & thereby removing our ability to improve our societal values. AI has the potential to grind societies progress to a halt & drag easily fixable problems decades or centuries into the future.

[-] Int_not_found@feddit.de 14 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Welche Hintergründe rechtfertigen das Bestrafen von Kindern, weil man mit der Stadtplanung unzufrieden ist. Vor Mit der Wasserpistole aufs Amt fahren hätte ich ja noch Respekt, aber so ist das einfach nur etwas das man in Fachkreisen glaube ich einen Arschloch-Move nennt.

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