I would unironically watch this.
thats part of the joke.
Fair enough.
What about nitter links?
Huh, ms word does that as well.
Aside from nagging a bit more often for donations, has the site gotten worse in any way as a result?
This sounds really familiar, but i can't put my finger on it.
iirc you should be able to set it to open play store links. I know this because when i click on one it asks me what app i want to use with an option of the playstore, aurora store and fdroid.
Firesticks and android tv both run android, something your run on a firestick will almost definitely run on android TV.
Stremio and real-debrid is great. I use RD to download my torrents for me, its way faster.
joined 1 year ago
I checked, and the dev restarted the project on the 4th of february. Probably seeing what twitter has done.
In any case, it will be nice to have an instance that wont need robot tests, so I can use it on weird browsers.