[-] KhanCipher@hexbear.net 8 points 1 month ago

Yes, because it's bourgeoisie decadence.

No I will not explain.

[-] KhanCipher@hexbear.net 8 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

I know a lot of people in rural communities absolutely think cops are practically useless, hell we had a case here that a police dept in a small town 10mi north of me got busted for corruption this past year. And everyone pretty much cheered that they got busted because they had really bad rep.

But these people also seem to think big cities are crime ridden hell holes and cops are necessary there.

[-] KhanCipher@hexbear.net 6 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

I also forgot something else, during this time in trek there were some let's say very interesting interpretations of the prime directive. So if the federation and Starfleet knew about the cardassian's brutal occupation of Bajor before Wolf-359 even happened, I wouldn't be surprised one bit if they publicly took issue with it and privately didn't do much because it would be "messing with an internal matter of another nation". Which is one of the things the PD prohibits doing.

Edit: Good god do I want to go on a rant at how useless the prime directive is on a morality level.

[-] KhanCipher@hexbear.net 7 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

If I recall, the whole thing why the federation and cardassian cold war didn't really go hot (like sure they were skirmishes here and there) was because Starfleet was still firmly in recovery mode from Wolf-359 at the time. Which eventually led to the demilitarization zone between the federation and cardassia, and which caused the federation and cardassian colonists in said dmz to start their own war themselves.

The whole thing with Bajor ended up falling into that because again, Wolf-359 really fucked Starfleet up.

[-] KhanCipher@hexbear.net 9 points 1 month ago

There's a lot more of these out there, with the exact same box and graphic design. From what i've been able to find just from 5 minutes of searching is that they're made by Late For The Sky Production Co. When I saw the picture in the OP I instantly recognized the design of it from the one that was made for the small local city where I live.

[-] KhanCipher@hexbear.net 9 points 2 months ago

"Catch a guuuuuun! Ugh, I'm never doing that again."

[-] KhanCipher@hexbear.net 8 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

Meanwhile in manufacturing: "First time working 6 (or 7) days a week?"

edit: I sympathize with anyone having to work a 6th day in a week under normal circumstances, but tbh my ability to sympathize goes out the window when I'm staring down a 6 day week this week, and had a 7 day week last week.

[-] KhanCipher@hexbear.net 9 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

The same reason why it's rare to ever find interesting stuff at yard sales, thrift stores, and flea markets anymore. The internet and that nearly everyone having a phone has made people a lot more aware of what they have, and if not that the existence of flippers. People who make it their life mission to be as close to a leech on society as landlords are. What they do more often than not is find someone who doesn't know what they have, buy it off them, then fix any minor issues, then flip it for a lot more than they paid and put into it.

[-] KhanCipher@hexbear.net 7 points 7 months ago

Being thankful the 2 and a half month (yes, the nearby stores here had that shit up the week after Christmas) stretch of National 'make all single people feel awful about themselves' Day is finally over for the year... until next year rolls around...

[-] KhanCipher@hexbear.net 8 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

As someone who likes mech games, the amount of times that I hear all about how they have "bad controls", while I'm sitting there pointing out that's the point is just too much. Mechs/mecha are inherently complicated machines, it should feel like it, and so called "bad controls" is imho the best (and only good) way to convey that.

For an example of this go watch the number of people go off about having to learn how to move efficiently in any Armored Core game before Nexus, or the people who can't wrap their heads around a simple concept of 'tank controls' in mechwarrior.

So because of a little game called John Halo and Joe Chief: Building Inspectors, nearly every dev that makes a mech game now feels the need to put in a standardized control scheme to attract the players who want the aesthetics of a mech game but don't want the things that make a mech game a mech game.

[-] KhanCipher@hexbear.net 10 points 7 months ago

I guess all us living in rural US can just go fuck ourselves, oh wait that's just been the default stance of every single motherfucker in governance for a long time now.

Quit being an edgelord, and maybe try actually try touching grass for once.

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