Fuck it. I'mma stop paying. Come repo this shit.
I always found it crazy when this would play on network television, they would not censor any instance of the N-word, but would completely remove the campfire fart scene.
Are you sure this site is actually satire? This could actually be real for all I know.
So that's why it's so bitter. It removes the sweet, sweet lead from the water.
Schrodinger's dumbass over here.
Tries a thing, thing fails/is ridiculed, "ha ha! Thing wasn't actually this, but that instead!"
I have to go by length of time I have hated the company and so the award goes to Electronic Arts. Or Evil Assholes, as I have called them since the 90's. They have destroyed so much of what I loved. 😭
Modlog says "argument nuke." But it doesn't look like either of the two users who's argument was nuked were being uncivil about it.
Once again: Your job as mod isn't to shut down arguments. It's to keep them from devolving into insult slinging or rule-breaking behavior.
What surprised me the most was the statistic that only 3% of author's views come from the subscriptions feed. This is wild to me because subscriptions are pretty much the only way I have ever used YouTube.
Considering that my biggest issue with YouTube is the fact that subscribing to a channel means fucking nothing now, it doesn't surprise me at all.
Being subscribed to a channel used to actually inform you when that channel uploaded something new, every time without fail. Now, that system is a separate thing (the bell) and it doesn't even fucking work 100% of the time. I subscribe to and have notifications enabled for about 13 channels that upload every single day; I only get notified like once a month about a random video whenever YouTube decides it wants to actually do the thing I have told it to do.
Like, I am subscribed to Technology Connections and have notifications enabled but this post is how I have come to know this video was uploaded.
Make it episodic again, focus on the story instead of the action, and basically just do TNG, but with even better sets, costumes and make-up. Stop trying to be dark, gritty and edgy. If there is an over-arcing narrative, make it the B or C plot in most episodes, to keep it episodic by nature.
Why need more gun store when the biggest gun store in the world is right above you? 🤷🏻♂️
Ironic that the gun nuts absolutely suck at handling their guns. Much like there is a huge car scene where I live, but nobody can fucking drive.
It tells me you can type with boxing gloves on your hands.