Just like that scene in It's Always Sunny where Mac and Charlie look at each other in the restaurant, but it's both the school shooters opening their sports bag at the prom ball
Mickey McSquizzle the Irishman
We must retvrn to this style of names for characters
Yeah, isn't that salary range on the low end for a tech job nowadays, especially with the work requirements laid out in the posting??
Boo! Get better material!
Dont forget the powerful family connections
I wish we still had Donna Brazil
I mean, Im pretty sure Israel supported Hamas from the beginning, since it could be used to undermine the much more popular (at the time) Fatah of Yasser Arafat and splinter the Palestinian liberation movement
Mike Crapo got me pretty good.
A cursory search on Twitter shows only chuds praising the guy, it's very funny to see someone start a tweet with "Thank you MikeCrapo"
joined 1 year ago
I'd be willing to bet those people dont attend church and are in a "personal relationship with God"