pay some prostitutes to come to your thanksgiving dinner and debate your uncle on his ideas about immigrants.
that sounds like something a communist would say...
I think most species probably align themselves to either the galactic plane or prominent orbital plane of the local star system.
the "up" & "down" directions would be completely arbitrary, though. there's no reason to think everone would decide on a standard for those.
and species without that certain sense of appropriateness, or an overt dedication to logic, would likely not bother with a standard orientation. and especially when in orbit over a planet, I think everyone would orient their "down" towards the surface.
doesn't tatooine have two suns? solar radiation wrecks skin.
so what I'm hearing is that it worked.
if it "excused" it, we'd say "oh, okay, on that case that's fair. no further action needed"
what this does is explain it. and with the insight offered by this explanation, we can say, "oh, yes, I can see how this could have come about. now I know what to look for/do to prevent similar tragedies in future"
not exactly what you're asking, but banks and insurance companies are the majority of what I call "the beaurocracy of money". they don't produce anything of value, and are basically just a sinkhole for labour.
I'm a native English speaker with an English teacher for a parent and i didn't even pass highschool English.
the bow and arrow is just a logical extension of mankind's desire to poke each other at ever longer range.
I feel like we need some sort of legal protection for circumstances like this. no objective analysis of these people's behaviour would agree that they're acting rationally, and probably can't even be considered to be in their right minds. should we risk individuals so afflicted being able to determine the direction an entire country takes? do they pass out voting forms at mental institutions?
we insert token Maori words at the beginning and end of our emails, that totally counts
this is the world liberals want (im being 100% serious)