[-] Ooops@kbin.social 27 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

Sure... so much common wisdom about Germany. Including their immidiate collaps any day now for the last 20+ years. Or the 5%+ economy loss should they not get Russian gas (after all those people who froze to death of course).

In reality those massive losses -coming out of covid, still having supply chain issues and with not even a fraction of the stimulus money other countries spend to counteract on top of no more gas- are now what? +/-0? And with some more obsolete techs slowly sourcing out parts for cost reasons while new technologies open up shop there at the same time.

The only actual risk for Germany (and a lot of other countries) is that people start to believe the bullshit, the outrage farming and doom scrolling trash and all the usual propaganda they are flodded with on a daily basis.

[-] Ooops@kbin.social 23 points 8 months ago

Also kurzgesagt, du hasst Deutschland und hilfst deshalb mit, so viel Scheiße wie möglich zu verbreiten, bis das hoffentlich auch wirklich jemand glaubt.

Die Alternative wäre nämlich mal mit Leuten, die tatsächlich hergekommen sind, zu reden...

Oder dir einfach mal Statistiken anzuschauen, wohin Menschen denn so weltweit auswandern...

Oder mal schauen, was die (wenigen) Alternativen denn attraktiver macht (Spoiler: Gehalt, Gehalt, Gehalt und Gehalt, gefolgt von Lebenshaltungskosten im Verhältnis zum Gehalt)...

Aber nee... lieber das Kapitalistenmärchen vom schrecklichen Mangel in Deutschland und wie kein Schwein hier freiwillig hin will erzählen. Kann ja nicht angehen, dass man echten Fachkräften auch ein echtes Gehalt zahlen soll. Und wo kämen wir denn hin, wenn wir nicht genug Einwanderer zum Ausnutzen hätten, um die lächerlichen Reallöhne noch etwas weiter zu drücken.

[-] Ooops@kbin.social 23 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

Blessing of the trickster can target any willing creature but yourself, so in reality it's on the paladin. Always. So the weak link here would actually the trickster cleric... but then what they actually use on themselves in pass without a trace, also affecting everyone.

C'mon... Plate wearers in a stealthy group are so iconic and still you mess up the meme by including the one combination where everyone is very stealthy, even the guy in the clanging metal.

[-] Ooops@kbin.social 27 points 11 months ago

That's defintiely the wrong title.

No, it's not the user catching Linux in trying to pretend user friendliness witht the terminal.

It's Linux catching the user in still hating it when he gets the wanted user friendliness, for the sole reason of being conditioned to hate the terminal.

[-] Ooops@kbin.social 27 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Simplified version: SSDs or more precisely NAND flash memory has some technical quirks. You can't just overwrite stuff like you do with magnetic hard drives. You have to actually delete things. Also you can usually only delete full physical blocks.

But data rarely fits neatly into physical blocks, so instantly deleting data would mean every time you delete something that partly resides in one block, you would need to save the data in that block you want to keep, wipe the whole thing then rewrite parts of it. That's a lot of unnecessary stress on the hardware and also more work in teh writing and rewriting process.

So SSDs use a similiar approach as old magnetic hard drives. Blocks aren't physical deleted but marked as no longer used. Which works well for hard drives where you can just overwrite data, but for SSDs this is also far from optimal as with every new write you want to commit you have to pre-check if this unused part of a block is already deleted and usuable or not? In the latter case you either need to do the "save some of it, wipe the block, rewrite" oparation you tried to avoid before or simply go on and try to find another actual free block to use. Which decreases performance obviously. And at some time you would have a lot of wasted half-full blocks and would need to organize your data to reclaim these

Enter TRIM... where periodically (usually when the system is idle anyway) the blocks that are marked as deleted are checked if there's still used data in it (those are then copied to a completely free block and the whole block is wiped to free it up for the next write.

In layman's terms it's basically anolog to defragmenting a hard drive in the brackground. When the drive isn't doing anything important it spends time rearranging data only partly using a physical block to wipe the whole thing and also to wipe blocks that are completely marked as deleted to keep everything neat and organized with fully used blocks and wiped blocks available for re-use.

PS: so-called continues TRIM is available also. That will basically do the whole "everytime a part in a block is marked as deleted write the other data to a new block an wipe the whole block"-routine in real-time... but after the regular writes are done to not clog up the system. But periodic TRIM is easier on the drive and usually sufficient.

PPS: TRIM is part of the drive's set of commands. So all the data handling involved doesn't need to be handled by the file system. You just issue the TRIM command to the drive and it handles everything internally.

[-] Ooops@kbin.social 23 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Neues Jahr, selber Blödsinn. Nein, die Speicher reichen nicht nur für Wochen. Die würden für mehr als einen Monaten reichen, wenn jetzt plötzlich aus heiterem Himmel plötzlich absolut kein Gas mehr zu bekommen wäre. Bei dem ganz normalen Gaseingang wie übers Jahr auch, womit Industrien versorgt und die Speicher gefüllt werden reichen die problemlos über den Winter. Wenn's ein sehr langer und auch sehr kalter Winter wird sind die halt so gegen April langsam ziemlich leer aber das war's dann auch.

[-] Ooops@kbin.social 25 points 1 year ago

Die CDU unter Merkel mit der Rhetorik der CDU heute unter Merz zu vergleichen geht aber auch sehr an der Wahrheit vorbei.

In so fern seh ich den "lauen Gag" nicht. Eher berechtigte Kritik in satirischer Form.

[-] Ooops@kbin.social 23 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Richtig. Genau das habe ich oben gesagt...

Die Hamas sind Terroisten.

Wenn Israel Kriegverbrechen begeht und Journalisten tötet und Brandmunition über dicht bewohnten Gebieten abwirft sind die Hamas immer noch Terroisten.

Zumindest für jeden, der Verstand besitzt. Trotzdem wird so getan als, wäre Kritik an Israels Regierung eine Verharmlosung der Hamas wäre. Terrorismus bleibt Terrorismus. Dass es auch noch andere Verbrecher gibt, ändert daran nichts.

Oder muss ich jetzt alle Verbrechen auf der Welt ignorieren, so lange es noch irgendein schlimmeres Verbrechen gibt. Weil schließlich verteidige ich dieses Verbrechen ja dadurch, dass ich wage zu behaupten, dass es nicht das einzige Verbrechen auf der Welt ist.

[-] Ooops@kbin.social 26 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

And when they get that driver he will of course be a completely normal guy just fighting the good fight against the repression from all those idiologically damaged cyclists...

[-] Ooops@kbin.social 24 points 1 year ago

but because the Germans as a people are idiots

Which is easily explained when pensioneers (and soon to be pensioneers) have the absolute majority and give a fuck about anything but their pensions and everything staying as it was.

(For reference the 50/50 split of voters by age is quickly approaching 60...)

[-] Ooops@kbin.social 27 points 1 year ago

We aren't reacting at all because the people in power don't care.

And with that I don't even mean politicians -although the narrative is popular- but in many cases the voters who just want to live the few decades they have left as always without any changes.

[-] Ooops@kbin.social 25 points 1 year ago

That's not the point. He gives a fuck if it's actually possible. All his demented voters learn from this statement is that talking about excluding people with disabilities can again be said publically in Germany.

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