north korea has explictly stated it no longer seeks reuinification with the south, i think north korea is the last country now that would ever believe in the so called good intensions of the US
the union explictly striked for everything except weapons shipments to israel so that they can continue genociding palestinians, i have no solidarity for those who have no solidarity for gaza
Nia Frome my goat
good cop bad cop
I agree thats why, but i still think you should maybe be keeping your strongest communists from dying, theres a reason princes did not often lead their armies into battle, the princes of the soviet union were the smart young cadres. I suppose they felt it necessary in the face of existiential danger of their country, and i empathise with that feeling, but i think keeping 1000 cadres away from the war to study as hard as possible so they could lead the restoration wouldnt have changed the outcome of the war probably
i was thinking about building a base in it, but im tapped out of minecraft energy so feel free to move in, art is a collabarative effort. I recommend the inside, the bottom is flooded so you can put an aquarium/ coral reef in it (do not keep dolphins, they always drown) and the inside is all lit up, i also think itd be funny to build gardens on his shoulds and arms or something.
luckily star wars isnt art, and the """culture""" its a part of is that of amerikkka, which isnt a real culture, just an endless deluge of slop
which one got him banned?
Is a reactionary dictatorship really preferred to neoliberalism
Ukraine is a fascist neo nazi dictatorship, russia is preferred.
We're communists here, heres how marx viewed inter bourgeoisie conflicts
'In that house one never hesitated to take a stand against the conflicts in which one could recognize "the different fractions of the bourgeoisie." Neutrality was abhorred. [...] Marx hunted neutral souls to the gates of hell'
(machine translated) from "Gespräche mit Marx und Engels", section writte by Charles Longuet, Marx's son in law
Most people here consider russia to be the lesser of two evils, since it generally does not fill itself with nazi iconography, does not ally with the united states, and does not persecute national minorities to any extent like ukraine does
it happens at the end of the books to geralt himself, the games are a sequel to the books and justify him coming back to life