I tried thinking about a based overwatch replacement but i couldnt figure out how to make omnics get invented and mass manufactured when all the capitalist powers have no factories anymore, i think the concept is cooked from the start
give it another 10 - 20 years
i dont think theres a chance in hell of the bbc "correcting" any "mistake". The job of the bbc is to make propaganda on behalf of the british capitalist class. Maybe ill be proven wrong but im doubtful
neferarious gregarious
i heavily recommend reading dragon ball
he just wants to sell a book
will villager slavery be banned? (as it should be)
long bacon
submitting a ballot shows that you fundamentally believe in the government (as an instiutution), and you are giving your implicit support that the state you are voting in is legitimate. It is much better to bring down the quantity of voters to demonstrate the illegitamacy of bourgeoisie democracy (or rather observe this trend and point to it as demonstration if and when it happens)
If there was an election in 50 years time with a 10% turnout a communist party could weild that to great effect
killing the nazis invading you and then going to jail after the war for murder
something silly like "i want everyone in the world to be a pirate"