[-] RomCom1989@hexbear.net 21 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

I saw Russian bombs fall from the window of my own house

I hope to God that they win so that the collective West gets socked in the face,I couldn't give less of a fuck about if they're imperialist or not

Maybe NATO exists in the background to you people in the heart of the empire,but all we have over here, on the absolute frontier of it, it's warnings that stray drones might fall on us, jets whizzing overhead and the quiet nighttime concert of booms and the brief flashes of explosions that the poor people that just happen to live on the other side of a river have to live with because of the games played by people an ocean away

Russia winning will finally put an end to this atrocity,and I couldn't care less if they're not the USSR

The more this circus goes on,the more people die and the possibility of it coming from the distance to my own house directly increases

Fuck the architects of this atrocity and fuck the puppets that rule our nations who treat us people on the border like acceptable losses

[-] RomCom1989@hexbear.net 19 points 1 week ago

Don't get your hopes up

He is a fascist to them only because he is critical of project Ukraine

[-] RomCom1989@hexbear.net 23 points 1 week ago
[-] RomCom1989@hexbear.net 23 points 2 weeks ago

Axis of Resistance Mordetwi

[-] RomCom1989@hexbear.net 24 points 3 weeks ago

Well,I don't know if anyone would go that far,but some mild belief that something is out there and it will play a part in destroying the monster state I can excuse

God knows people need hope

Sometimes I wish I could believe that something is looking out for us,but I just can't

To be honest,I kinda envy the hope these people have,but that's neither here nor there

[-] RomCom1989@hexbear.net 27 points 1 month ago

Fair enough

For me it's a bit different, being in an Orthodox country,the small churches are really old and culturally significant, and the bigass cathedral in the capital city built in the last decade is the place that the next Ceausescu should build a House of the People on

[-] RomCom1989@hexbear.net 27 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

I think churches should remain as sites of cultural significance,the old ones at least

Bad institution or not,they are still part of the cultural heritage and had a lot of work and skill put into them

The institution of the church can go the way of the dodo however

Nevermind,re read the comment

[-] RomCom1989@hexbear.net 20 points 1 month ago

It's really funny how all these Axis war criminals Americanize their names

"Ah,you see,I do not longer go by Frederick Werner Kriegscriminal Schicklenburg the 3rd , I'm now Fred Warner"

[-] RomCom1989@hexbear.net 19 points 1 month ago

Yep,but the cleansing and expansion phase is over

[-] RomCom1989@hexbear.net 33 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

The exception is the Zionazi entity

And,come to think about it,settler colonies in general

Already established imperial powers have the option to outsource the destruction overseas,whereas the settler colony requires that violence to be on its immediate periphery so it can expand

[-] RomCom1989@hexbear.net 19 points 1 month ago

I don't think someone who was rescued by the Red Army as a child is likely to be a rabid fascist

As commrade pepperoni stated, pending any photos of her shrine to Bandera, she is probably someone who is very understandably a bit incensed by the war unfolding in her part of the world,with the front lines rapidly approaching her home

Not running defense for the Azov battalion here,but the average citizen of this region has been so thoroughly trounced repeatedly since the nineties that they're bound to have these kinds of opinions, especially considering that the frontline is advancing closer and closer to home

I mean,I have seen a glimpse of what this war looks like in real life and I think even regardless of my opinions now,if the war would move to my home,id have a hard time being a ok with the people dropping bombs on my town,even if my government is horrible and captured by western interests

[-] RomCom1989@hexbear.net 31 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

Extinct like the dodo bird for now

Old people love to reminisce,but the sentiment doesn't translate to any meaningful political movement

The Social Democrats are kind of a cartel party, offering benefits for votes, backroom deals type of stuff Young people are eurobrained to the max if they're not apolitical anticommunists

The only "reform" party that sprung up after a massive corruption scandal in the Social Democratic party was a mish mash of various currents,some leftish sentiment,but the euroatlanticist libs came out on top and now the party barely exists as a political force

So to give my very limited and not at all authoritative analysis about how the current political climate is, I'd say business as usual since the 90's, the SocDem Liberal coalition that's in power now we jokingly call the reunified National Salvation Front,since both parties are splinters from it,one "left" and one "right", the reformists (Save Romania Union) are a spent force and now any reform minded youth goes for independents as far as I know

Still,the youth don't really have any actual goals in mind, mostly wanting to toss the old guard out so we can be like the "proper Europeans" in the West, all anti-corruption,but pro-EU and pro-NATO

The Socialist party just barely exists and consists of two old guys who love Ceausescu

People like me are like the needle in the haystack for now

We aren't in any significant crisis that I know of(but maybe that's me being sheltered) so nothing to create radicalism

I'd say we're in some sort of very small and incremental improvement due to NATO pumping funds into our infrastructure and the war in Ukraine being an economic boon for now, with them having to use our ports to transport grains and such after the sea corridor thing went bust

The average Romanian isn't impacted by the war,unless they live in a border region like yours truly so it's out of sight out of mind for most people

Oh,and we had our own Far Right party rising up after 2020, but the people leading it were incompetent and now are stagnating at 15% or something like that for a while

And they splintered too,the mainstream one is pro NATO anti Eu and there's also a smaller one that broke away that's pro-Russia,but they're not really a significant political force

So I guess that's another sad thing,you z post in here, people will think you're a right wing crank

Still, Romanians aren't too happy with Ukraine either, mainly due to a minority rights issue concerning the "Moldovan" identity which is a big sticking point for Romanians seeing as they think the Romanians and Moldovans are one and the same and that the usage of that term is a holdover from the USSR and it has to do with Russian imperialism

Ukraine also has regions which were part of Romania so that's another sticking point for the nationalists

Sorry for the tangent

So,to finish it off,I'd say the left is kind of dead for now, barring some old farts who reminisce about Ceausescu and westoid type Anarcho-NATOists in the youth if they have any vaguely leftist sentiment

I haven't read enough theory to properly say where I fall specifically on the ideological spectrum,but I'd say I'm in the ML ballpark

People like me are probably very few and far between, especially if you wanna look for socially progressive ML's

LGBTQ people here have a very hard time and they're only now beginning to see some degree of acceptance in the biggest cities

I can't speak on the political sentiment in the LGBTQ community here,as I have not had the occasion to really interact with it,but the vibe I got was sadly pro-western and pro-NATO as is the case with most of the youth

Keep in mind I don't go out much,so this is what I gathered mostly from vibes, interaction with my friend group and reading the news,so it is in no way a comprehensive analysis

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