Genocide for lgbt rights.
Yeah thats got a great ring to it
Genocide for lgbt rights.
Yeah thats got a great ring to it
Maybe the "most moral army in the world" should be held to a higher standard than terrorists.
Where have they been built?
If you want to be rude I can come give you my address and you can try and act tough to my face and see how that works out for you. I stand by what I said and the facts fully support what I said. It wasn't an accident he was watching child porn. Now either grow a pair or lose you posture. Get it?
Careful guys, hes ~ dangerous ~
Würde dir zustimmen, ich glaube der plot hätte mit 2-3 charakteren weniger um einiges besser funktioniert. Abgesehen davon fand ichs ziemlich störend, dass wirklich jede szene bedeutungsschwanger musikalisch untermalt wurde. Das hilft nicht grade beim einordnen der szenen
Its also exactly what MAGAs are afraid of
Doch, aber villeicht die verhältnismäßigkeit wahren und über den grund für das fehlen von 30 mrd. 300-mal häufiger berichten als über den grund für das fehlen von 100 mio.
So we are moving from shovelware to excavatorware?
Dunno what a large fry is, not sure where penn station is or what this cryptic $-symbol means, BUT I WILL COME AND SAVE YOU
Even resident evil and devil may cry have decent mods. They are mostly visual (costumes, vfx, stuff like that) but I still enjoy them a lot
Generally agree, but your point about GOG is wrong. Not only can you install games from their platform, its also (to my knowledge) the only storefront where you can get games completely DRM-Free, since you dont need GOG Galaxy to download or install their games
Kann wieder nicht teilnehmen :(