Isn't that an almost verbatim quote? I swear either Picard or Sisko said something along those lines either to a time traveler from the past or while they were timetraveling to the past themselves.
the original subreddit went private at 69420 or 42069 members iirc
Also with the context that searches for "Ukrainian" on porn sites surged as soon as refugees (of course mostly women) from the war arrived in other European countries.
No, you should sing badly at karaoke actually. It's the worst if the person who was up before you is a great singer
except kinda different, same principle tho
And garlic is the pope.
Bibi, you're in timeout
Yeah I think it just goes to show how strong the cultural hegemony of capitalism is.
Based on the woman who smashed a car with two hammers i think
didn't know the 🥸 emoji was cute Lmao accurate.
joined 2 years ago
His head just did that.