Being able to operate without a keyboard. Perfect for home theatre pc
If he could have done it, he would have done it already, the little bitch
I am in the same boat as you. Or rather, if you're in Ontario, the same sinking ship
What does HART stand for? Homeless and Really Troubled?
It's short for "Boopifer"
What! Can't leave the bed! How will your employer survive if you don't return to the office 1.5hrs away and collaborate 5 days a week?
It's for porn, isn't it?
Stop all the downloadin'!
Heh, considering the premium people pay for Nintendo games, I'd expect them to stand by their products for longer than a year or two. Wouldn't you?
I don't plan on visiting China anytime soon, but you seem knowledgeable in the subject; can you link me some sources? Thanks
What does "en masse" translate to when translated to English?
Seems kinda fucked up if you ask me