It's great, like an ice-cold firehose blasting my butt till it's clean, then just hop in the shower and do final rinses
I thought they spoke Latin in the Vatican, aren't they Latino? Otherwise how do we get such classical Christian idioms like "Romanes eunt domus"?
Would it be a life of crime or lives of crime?
Sort of. You know those T-Rex suits people love? Our religious garb looks something like a cross between a T-Rex and a tadpole, or as we call them, T-Poles
I mean, it's a basic design. You probably have Microsoft Word. You're an adult, right?
I got it for free from Epic Games and loved it so I bought it on Steam to throw a coin to my indie dev
I wish that the original use-case for Battle of Wesnoth's engine, Wargus, was still being actively developed
Planet of the Apes one through four. Don't watch five though
This and San Fransico R U S H
You're not wrong
I liked Gundam Wing
If they were Romans, they'd pile their shields on them