That is an effect, it also increases the relative value of debts which isn't great, but the negative impacts of those is less than the potential positive impact of reducing the relative cost of living. Really what you've got to focus on if you're a government trying to manage deflation is a) capital flight and b) wage reduction, because the biggest negatives are seen if investment gets pulled out of the economy and the positives aren't realized if people's wages don't stay the same.
I'm like 350 so I get it it fukken sucks man. Like 99% of people just eat without really thinking about it too hard, and they end up the weight they end up at as a result of how their genetics react to the diet that's available to them. Some get lucky and can eat the same slop I do and wind up 200 pounds lighter, and some will then choose to act like they're superior because of it. "Just eat only when you're hungry" yeah buddy I never fucking thought about that before thank you.
I used to be in shape too so its not like I've never seen the other side of the coin. I've always been a big guy but I was 150 pounds lighter and ran half marathons in my twenties, and even back then I had to work twice as hard to get half the results of my peers. The worst part is that even "in shape" me from ten years ago would still constantly catch shit for being visibly larger than average, so I guess at some point I decided that I was putting in all that work for nothing and just stopped.
11 because you can never get the last two into the fucking mag i stg
a little bit of imagination
Whenever I look at the stars I get a really strong feeling that they're moving. I know it's an optical illusion but that doesn't mean I don't see it.
Fuck the military but it's absolutely a bad sign because anything they do in the military reflects what they're going to do outside of it. Changes in the US Military almost always presage changes elsewhere in US society. It went that way with integration, gay and then trans acceptance - and now they're rolling the last one back.
I think the fact that Stitch is a lab experiment who would otherwise face life imprisonment simply for existing means that he can credibly claim not to be a colonizer. His arc struck me as more of a personal growth "caring about others" thing.
The traditional conception is that ghosts aren't really sentient creatures, but a phenomenon that souls can get stuck in instead of going to the afterlife. There's symbolism there - a ghost is an echo of a person, much like memories of them or the effects they had on the world. There's also a bit of Christian moralizing - a "good" person doesn't stick around because they are eager to join God in heaven, while a "bad" person clings to their earthly life and possessions even if they are only capably of doing so in a greatly diminished state.
The modern conception of a ghost where it's a fully realized person who can just kinda go through walls is an anthropomorphized and secular version of the ghosts that were invented by the Victorians.
Israel's invasion of Lebanon started on Oct 1, I'd say that counts. It contributed to the overall sense that people had that the Democrats were asleep at the wheel and the world was getting worse under them.
The Minecraft AI frame predictor
What the AI dudebro set doesn't seem to understand though is that this is only able to exist because Minecraft exists. A genuine spark of human imagination and ingenuity made one of the most enduring and recognizable imaginary environments ever, and you can get a computer to kinda sorta create a dreamlike facsimile of it with artificial generation.
raising money
It's the Death Star a tech startup now? For the metaphor to be on point it needs to be over time and over budget but also the recipient of seemingly infinite military industrial complex funding.
You could also download a gonk mod for Jedi Academy or something.