We're so back
I don't know about this wh*te family. I think the husband must go
It's just like that "I'm not pro life or pro choice, I'm pro education. So if a woman wants to go through with it, she is making an informed choice." Like the pro choice side is arguing for wanton access to the tools of medicine. It's a silly, silly straw man
I wish we banned Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan and funded Tiktok creators, am I right?
What an absolutely bizarre strategy of asking the base of a democracy to grant you the power to enact their desires by disagreeing with them about what they want. If we all agree that he's too old, he's too old. If we all want to change the name of Sunday to Moonday because Moonday and Monday would be cute together, either run a candidate who will do that or shut the fuck up and drop out.
AI fake fools a politician who complains on TV -200
Political assassination anywhere in the world +180
Joe Biden dies +150
A VP becomes president +300
Legal battle for whether Israel pledges trump free speech -100
Israel wins the legal battle +400
A fascist doesn't become president +99999
Bitcoin's price changes by $40,000 +200
Retail real estate prices collapse +300
Retail real estate gets bailed out +600
Any once in a lifetime economic collapse +200
Any once in a lifetime weather event +200
US involvement in an African military conflict +300
I'm really feeling down on myself, but the bright side I could be looking for today is thinking about all the dumb shit I've avoided thinking and doing by just having a little bit of materialist philosophy and care for others in my back pocket.
Did they dump it onto the ground or did they have some container they put the oil into?
Give me an iPad baby hitting decisions from a multiple choice box given by staffers in-between AI generated children's videos and you'd probably get a better track record
Brilliant idea! My go to would have been making more work for them. I'd tell people I changed my mind about my nickname until they got sick of me and I'd get in trouble. If I had some friends who were down for the cause it would have been a nightmare. Cause I'm the type of comrade who, once in detention and they're trying to be real serious and talk sternly with me, if I had a single audience member who would have found it funny I'd double down on the bit
*"Now WDYMP, I'm going to tell you right now, our name policy is important bec-"
"It's Peter"*
Tangentially, I credit some of my success and enjoyment of combat sports to this disposition. If you lack the authority to simply throw the book at me because we're sparring, then you better have an answer to my silly question (e.g. what if I just push you?) or I'm going to win by outsmarting you.
I was just whispering to myself "God this sucks. She sucks." as I opened the thread
Absolutely beautiful execution of the "just doing things" model of not being evil. With the knowledge that this is the only place on the Internet where I could imagine asking this question:
Where does China get the cobalt needed for EVs? Are they exploiting the fuck out of South America and doing overseas cringe?