I gotta agree, about half way in and I haven't heard anything actually objectionable.
Frankly, it sounds like a way to do cast discrimination when you're too embarrassed to admit you want to do cast discrimination.
you can't call it cyber bullying in France, you have to say harcèlement à la demande
A bunch of car dealership owners took the week off to rush into lobby of the capital building, then wander about aimlessly waiting for a cutscene to start. What is that, if not funny?
For some men, heterosexuality is a curse.
Are gamers really surprised by this?
Suddenly, a lot of the gullibility around "AI" is starting to make more sense.
the real trick is to not let them know you've blocked it.
"You can't connect to your game? Have you tried uninstalling and reinstalling the app?"
My kids want to spend real money on a silly gambling game, how do I address this?
By issuing currency, of course!
father of the year
But he said the launch also raises questions around how Huawei managed to launch the phone when it has spent the past four years under US restrictions banning access to 5G technology. “While access to 5G for the chipset is one thing, I’m not sure how the company managed to source all the other components that need to go into a 5G smartphone, such as power amps, switches and filters,” he said.
Love that America's 21st century cold war is fully predicated on the assumption that China does not have the ability to develop its own productive capacity.
:geordi-no: Players Shaming Devs
:geordi-yes: Devs Shaming Players
The books will be withheld until academic performance improves.
same backwards insanity as No Child Left Behind;
"We will penalize the under-performing schools by taking their funding and giving it to the schools that are already performing well. This will improve the situation, trust us."
The firewall really is perfect online policy. Keeps yer nan from going crazy over anti-vaccine nonsense, but also lets you into the "wilder" internet if you meet a minimum threshold of tech savvy to find and install a VPN.