Except bees. Engineers reckon they shouldn’t be able to fly, but bees told them to get fucked and do it anyway
Is VW audited in the same way that BW is?
lolno. Fuckerberg won't see the inside of a prison cell. He's what we like to call in the law industry, "rich"
the problem is the helmets do jack shit to prevent TBIs. A TBI is when the brain hits the skull. A helmet will do jackshit to stop that.
and the trillionaires will soon take over!
truth be told, when I first saw Kanye's name on a music video, I thought it was a typo for Kayne lol
drumpf will probably illegally get elected again.
Heh. Art is anal
I caught up with the last few A State Of Trance remixes
Oh, I thought Marlow Briggs referred to a person or character name or something. But thanks :)
What game is that?
joined 2 years ago
jellyfin ftw!