[-] averagemalaysian 4 points 2 years ago

At least to me, team player means someone who is able to get along well with their team mates in a professional setting. On a personal setting, I don't care if they are friends or not, but it does help. Someone who is willing to help and contribute to the greater team objective. Doesn't think or work in a silo mindset or be super calculative on 'I did this and you did that'.

This does not mean I expect the person to just take on whatever extra work his teammates can not.

Honestly it just really depends on your boss and what kind of environment they were brought up in.

[-] averagemalaysian 1 points 2 years ago

TTDI Shell station. Also I think the Petronas at Penchala Link

submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by averagemalaysian to c/askmalaysians

When I was a teenager I believe the government made efforts to reduce or totally abolish petrol attendants. But recently I see a lot of them standing around again. One petrol station I went to had about 5 attendants (normally foreigners) working. What changed?

[-] averagemalaysian 4 points 2 years ago

Dating is basically two things.

  • Playing the numbers game until you meet someone who clicks.
  • Adjusting your expectations (normally as you get older)

You've said it yourself.

I’ve met guys irl that I would have loved to date which I might not have swiped on from an app, and vice versa

Essentially if you wanna date you gotta have a positive mindset about it. Else the relationship is already facing an uphill battle and will likely fail.

[-] averagemalaysian 5 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago)

If this was a AITA post, the answer is yes. You don't actually like him but are just texting him because he will layan you (in a few weeks or months when he comes back). You are just seeking attention. Delete his contact and saved chat history and just move on and find someone else.

[-] averagemalaysian 1 points 2 years ago

What's the model?

[-] averagemalaysian 2 points 2 years ago

Just means your price is not low enough

[-] averagemalaysian 1 points 2 years ago

Oh no...... 😏

[-] averagemalaysian 2 points 2 years ago

Reminds me of this interaction with someone who just wouldn't even bother to understand context. Dude got downvoted hard because he was just so defensive

[-] averagemalaysian 2 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago)

There needs to be more of a push to move r/Malaysia to monyet.cc

Currently the content and interaction suck on both because mods crippled r/Malaysia and monyet.cc hasn't caught up yet

Edit: OK I take that back. The content on monyet.cc doesn't suck so much because I used to use it for news. And since stormy is doing his thing I guess it's alright. But interaction is lacking severely. It's like no one got the memo to move or can't be bothered. Seems weird seeing we have like 300K+ members on r/malaysia

[-] averagemalaysian 3 points 2 years ago

No reason to layan MUDA. Waste of resources.

[-] averagemalaysian 1 points 2 years ago

@dcxtest1@monyet.cc who controls the number/type of communities created?

[-] averagemalaysian 1 points 2 years ago
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