can evolve
Ackshually, they digivolve.
can evolve
Ackshually, they digivolve.
Binary Large OBject
It's not that it's a bad tool, it's that
it also removes human bias element from the equation
is an impossible standard.
Yeah, the first game's intro literally has the US invading Canada and executing civilians in the street, while the US media praises "our brave boys fighting for our country".
Of those killed by the Shining Path, eighteen were children, the youngest of whom was only six months old.
You got a source for this part?
The interview doesn't seem quite as damning as you're making it out to be. He seems to be saying they dealt a devastating blow to the mesnadas.(which are supposedly government-run paramilitaries?)
He claims the army came in and
formed armed groups, called mesnadas
right before he says
In the face of reactionary military actions and the use of mesnadas, we responded with a devastating action
So he doesn't appear to be saying they murdered a bunch of unarmed peasants, he's saying they attacked an armed paramilitary group.
we weren't the same as those they had fought before
This also doesn't suggest unarmed peasants.
I'm not saying he's telling the truth, or that they didn't kill any innocent people. It's just far from him openly admitting they killed babies.
Yeah, the antisemitic comparisons I've seen have typically been in the "vermin" category. Implying that Jews need to exterminated. I guess dogs wouldn't fit the rhetoric well because people are generally sympathetic to dogs...
I know the dog comparison is used pejoratively in a couple of other languages, but the connection there seems to be to dogs barking - basically calling someone a nuisance.
Good idea. I've heard that nuking cities is a very effective way of forcing a stubborn enemy nation to surrender.
It's also preferable to a prolonged invasion and conventional bombing campaign, simply in terms of number of casualties. The number of people killed by the two nuclear bombings it would take to force Ukraine to surrender would be significantly smaller than the number of casualties incurred by a drawn out conventional invasion.
Seems like the only moral course of action for Putin to take.
Ah, the Siamese Room argument.
As to anti-communist -- why would I care, I'm an Anarchist.
Lol. Lmao, even.
I'd think you'd care for practical reasons, at least. Has there ever been an instance of severe persecution of communists without lumping in anarchists as well? I'm seriously asking; I just know that the Red Scare targeted anarchists just as much as communists, but idk if that changed at all over the course of the century.
ok but "human trafficking" is a bit of a stretch. It seems he was charged with and convicted of "alien smuggling" The crucial difference is, I think, that in this case it was ostensibly consensual. Seasonal workers making minimum wage at resorts and being charged absurd amounts for fraudulent visas by the smugglers? horribly exploitative and clearly illegal, but it's not exactly slavery. one of the documents says that most of the laborers had tickets to return home, and it was essentially a financial decision.
I don't mean to minimize him systematically exploiting desperate people, he's clearly a massive scumbag. I just wanted to point out that it seems like the core crime here was visa fraud. As for the rest of it, and having read the witness testimony linked, this just sounds like common domestic business practices. These are all things that american contracting companies already do with American citizens, and I've experienced it. The company putting workers up in crappy apartments where you have to share a room with multiple other people? Check. The middleman company charging you a fee for the gig, as a coercive mechanism, so if you bail you're on the hook for a large lump sum? Check. Shit wages and regular labor violations? Check.
Yes, this is illegal, but when has the US given two shits about labor violations? It's still incredibly profitable for such contracting companies. In my case, I was able to sue the company afterwards, over the shittons of unpaid overtime, and after prolonged legal efforts, and the lawyers getting half the settlement, I got some compensation. But that was just the amount that they were supposed to have paid me for overtime. Forget about the illegal financial coercion and the problem with your boss being your landlord, because companies don't face consequences for that. And at the end of the day, they paid me roughly half of what they were getting from the corporate client, so it was still profitable for them and it continues to be their business model.
I'm an immigrant but most of my coworkers were born and raised in the US. So if this is how Americans are exploited by American companies, I imagine much worse is happening to illegal immigrants, who essentially have no legal recourse.
EDIT: just realized this was a video post lmao. to be clear, I did not watch the video and this was just based on the documents linked.
They needed to make up for totally phoning it in with his other form, where the dinosaur transforms into a larger dinosaur but with missile launchers strapped to it.