[-] daniskarma@lemmy.dbzer0.com 7 points 20 hours ago

Ok, that is kind of clever.

Though I suppose even the dumbest user will chicken out once the terminal pops out.

[-] daniskarma@lemmy.dbzer0.com 11 points 20 hours ago

Maybe Magneto is worthy. He is trying to save his people from discrimination after all.

[-] daniskarma@lemmy.dbzer0.com 6 points 23 hours ago* (last edited 23 hours ago)

The image clearly tries to make see like not a single building is left. It's the intention of this images.

I'm pretty sure there's a noble intention behind this, but it is misleading, it is propagandistic.

I will provide you a true comparison, similar lightning, similar time of the year. From september 2023 to september 2024. You'll clearly see the destruction. It's nothing shy. There's a lot of destruction. But my images will not exaggerate reality.

There you don't have to really look into what buildings are still up or not, as it is quite evident in the images what was destroyed to the ground. Even with far worse resolution the portrayal of reality is, IMO, infinity better. And the fact that in 5 minutes, with public resources and from my phone I can create this image that is less propagandistic that the image of the post, is, again IMHO, another evidence on why the image from the post have a higher propagandistic value that informative value.

[-] daniskarma@lemmy.dbzer0.com 2 points 1 day ago

I'm not saying area was not bombarded. I'm saying the election of that specific picture, time of day without shadows and just after a sandstorm, is made on purpose to exaggerate.

[-] daniskarma@lemmy.dbzer0.com 1 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

Without supporting any kind of violence. And without denying anything.

I feel obligated to say that this is purposely manipulated. As pictures taken in very different times of day and year make for a faulty comparison that does not portrait reallity.

Specially the time of day (that make shadows disappear on the right picture) and the sandy surfaces make it seems like the image on the right it's all flat and that buildings are leveled to the ground. And that's simply not true. It's just optical illusions.

This does not mean that the areas was not subjected to heavy bombardment, and that all people on that area may have been killed by bombs. But the images presented are just manipulative and I'm against media manipulation no matter how good intentions are behind the manipulative attempt.

[-] daniskarma@lemmy.dbzer0.com 6 points 3 days ago

IP law firms tried to get their cases into my country and they only got a 50% success rate on court so they stopped trying (cost benefit thing I suppose).

Also private trackers in my country do not allow the use of VPN (why do they care IDK, they say it is to have more control on who join), so there's little point on getting a VPN for piracy here.

[-] daniskarma@lemmy.dbzer0.com 3 points 3 days ago

His first term was the best term, everyone is saying how it was the best term they ever seen, and that it was the smartest term, very smart. It was the best term in the history of terms.

That's why a second term is not needed. There's no reason for it.

[-] daniskarma@lemmy.dbzer0.com 4 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

Public Health and citizen security is 14% for my city.

This department includes local police, firefighters, garbage recollection, air quality, pest control etc...

Police by itself should be between 5 and 10% I'll guess.

Also I'm not American. And here anyway local police is kind of small, most of our police force is National.

[-] daniskarma@lemmy.dbzer0.com 20 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

Colonize is not the same as terraform.

Mars could be colonized without terraforming it. Closed habitats could be permanent thus providing a way of colonization.

Terraforming is a trouble without magnetosphere that's true. But not impossible. As there are tech concepts on how it could be possible to shield mars atmosphere. And doesn't seem imposible, just expensive and complex.

[-] daniskarma@lemmy.dbzer0.com 9 points 3 days ago

I don't see the lemmy model failing. So, as others, I think is more of a solution in search for a problem.

In general I don't see any reason to leave Lemmy right now.

Also I don't think things will keep simple with that model. I see a lot of underlying complexities that the current formula does not have.

Maybe it would be a better to try that model on a fediverse area with less success than lemmy.

Peertube is really struggling for instance. Not really on the developer side of things but on the content creators. Maybe a coop of content creators for peertube could me something that is needed on the fediverse.

[-] daniskarma@lemmy.dbzer0.com 3 points 4 days ago

Full price Stellaris is 322€... Let that sink in.

[-] daniskarma@lemmy.dbzer0.com 6 points 4 days ago

I agree with all those points.

I don't know if adding exceptional cases to de equation adds to the argument or not. But there are many instances where the ones selling the product are not the ones that made it, and the ones that made it will never see a penny of what you paid for. This is true in old games/media, where rights were bought long ago by corporations and creators see nothing. Also true in any big production made by a big corporation with many workers. The workers who actually create the IP were paid by hour, while corporations and investors get to keep milking the product after creators had been paid.

This will invalidate any argument about creators getting compensated for their work. For those cases at least.


I cannot stand google news any more, too much spam, clickbait and advertisement. So I decided to try to selfhost an RSS aggregator to make myself a news feed that I would be comfortable with. Being RSS such an "ancient" thing I thought there will be many mature systems, but I'm not sure that's the case..

As far as my investigation goes there are two main options out there** TT-RSS (tiny tiny RSS) and FreshRSS**. There seems to also be miniflux but it supposedly have very few features.

So I tried the both main ones and I ended up kind of disappointed, I hope that I'm missing something. My requirements are:

1-Have a nice interface, card view, phone friendly. Basically being able to look the same as google news looked. So both have a pretty dated interface. And terrible responsive UI for phones. I was kind of able to make a "card view" with TT-RSS but looked hideous and didn't really work on phone screen, also applying themes broke TT-RSS, this will be recurring theme but it looks like TT-RSS is constantly breaking a rolling release system makes it very unstable and many plugins, themes and third party apps don't work right now because some new update broke everything. So native theming wasn't going to be a thing, so I tried third party apps. I found many that worked with FreshRSS and settled on Feedme, it looked exactly as I wanted, great. One point for FreshRSS. Feedme was supposedly compatible with TTRSS but I could not login, I have the suspicion that one update broke integration. I'm not even try to attempt to ask in their forums as I see that some time ago somebody asked the same question and got banned from their forums.

2-Being able to filter or prioritize feeds The problem is that I would love to suscribe to very diverse feeds, some would post maybe over a 100 post per day and others maybe one post every week or even month. So if let everything by default the former would flood the feed and I would never see the post from the little feeds. Here both offer categories that I could use but ideally I would love to have a curated main page. FreshRSS supposedly have a priority system but it seems quite simple and not effective for my needs, AFAIK you can put some feeds in "important feeds" but it only would show those feeds in that category then. TTRSS does have an advance filter system that is complex enough and with some fiddling I think I could make a set of rules that satisfy my needs. One point for TTRSS.

3-Being able to suscribe to any feed or even scrape webs that doesn't provide feeds. Here FreshRSS wins, I have zero issues subscribing to everything I wanted. With TTRSS I couldn't even subscribe with some pages that did provide with a feed, even if it was in an unconventional way. TTRSS devs say that is the webpage problem (even if FreshRSS had no problem with it). Here another point to FreshRSS.

And that is it, I do not exige that much. But I wasn't able to find a system that ticks those three checkboxes. FreshRSS was so close. But unless I am missing something you can't really create a curate feed that prioritizes and sorts feeds and posts in the way you can do with TTRSS sorting, if there is a way please let me know. And without that the whole thing becomes useless from the flooding feeds. And while I'm in love with TTRSS filters and sorting system, the whole app seems to unstable and with so many bugs to be usable, at least in my desired usercase (and I've seem many people complaining about TTRSS updates breaking things all the time).

My two main questions are:

-Am I missing some other self-hosted app that could do all I wanted?

-Am I missing some FreshRSS feature or extension that could curate a main feed with my own rules?

Any thoughts?

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