Early 20 century comedy. Laurel and Hardy, Harold Lloyd, Marx Brothers, and all the rest. Not technically a series; sue me.
Oh oh oh!
Don't even think about that! P-l-e-a-s-e! I'm kinda used to autumn now! ๐๐
Voicemail is rather outdated.
The most common message that people leave is "This is XX. Call me back." which is a bit pointless if you have caller ID (and maybe their name in your contacts list).
Messaging apps also exist and copy-paste ing numbers and text from messages is much easier than from voicemail.
I've turned my voicemail off.
This is the right answer.
Fedora (workstation): search 'inst.sdboot' to install without grub (leaving systemd-boot).
I hear that! Toastmasters was part of my conversation long after it would have been helpful!
Good luck.
It is.
Force of habit from using another long 'rested' random app that didn't have an easy way to open it in a browser. Share is my go to. Reeducation may be necessary.
Provide something other than t'n'a. Demonstrate a desire to build a partnership with a person where you can learn, nurture, teach and enjoy together; no matter how long it lasts.
I wouldn't say yes to anyone without a brain; I'm not alone. A random artifact is much cheaper with the same credentials and lasts far longer.
Otherwise, just have a damn good wank by yourself without cameras, without posting it online, and call it a day.
The most stereotypical thing about teenagers are the people who are charged with bringing them up, or not.
That's a transition!
I really enjoy the blues. Gen X here.
Thank-you for sharing and look forward to hearing from you here again.
That's a melodious turn of phrase. Thank-you.
Very best to you. Live long.
Upvoted to the heavens. Well, one anyways.
Cf. Governments for the last twenty plus years failing to understand that taxation receipts are not inelastic wrt to tax levels (excuse triple negative). "Increasing taxation far beyond the average individual's ability to sustain is never going to affect receipts.".
Never occurs to them that maybe why Gen Z sees no interest in working. Not sure I don't agree.
Is that not one lesson learned in the 80s when Mrs T/Lawson(?) slashed tax rates (from 97% income tax) and doubled tax receipts.