I feel like I'd never be able to complete Celeste due to it's difficulty, any point in playing it?
Conspiracy theory, why can't Americans differentiate loose and lose?
I can't buy the deck in my country, you can buy the rest almost everywhere in the world
Terrible writing in that series, why would you say that to one of the most decorated admirals of all time who saved the universe several times over. Worse if she thought he had dementia
You mean Nu-trek
I'll add Taskmaster on the list, available for free on Youtube
I miss /r/etymology
Will it have a dating Sim aspect where Bond where one of the objectives is to get all the Bond girls?
Still no idea if this game looks better than RE4 remake which runs on a potato
Have you seen Primer?
It's for console ports. They have a power button..so on PC you'll need to go to that button created specifically to quit to desktop
That's disingenuous, Starfield was universally critically panned.