¿Porqué no los dos?
They're not great.
My dad signed up somehow years ago. He doesn't even have a printer anymore. He swears he's canceled, but I keep seeing a monthly bill. They aren't even sending him ink. Thanks for reminding me that I need to get the bank to stop charges.
I've had a Brother laser printer for years now. Zero regrets. I'm never going back to the ink jet mafia.
God, I can't even force myself to read his word shit salads anymore. I guess that means I'm sane.
I don't think he's got enough money to get Stormy to fall for that again.
I've got a Staedtler 2mm and sharpener that I've had for at least 20 years now. They both have a permanent spot of honor on my lathe stand.
All I've noticed is that all the games and apps are crap. There used to be new stuff that interested me. Now it looks like a gallery of garbage that parents use to occupy their children because they can't be bothered to parent.
Are they counting GOP fundraisers?
There have been plenty of studies on psilocybin with human subjects. None of them included vivisection or bisection. We have other ways of testing this sort of thing.
And that activity will MySpace itself just as fast. It seems to me that's their goal. All that investment money hates free speech.
After breakfast and coffee things tend to get better.
The submarine will almost certainly implode before we get that deep.