[-] inasaba@lemmy.ml 9 points 5 months ago

It's grey, not black. LineageOS has this option. Google removed it (of course) because now, after ten years of having it, all of a sudden they think that having white text on a black background causes "smearing" when you scroll, and they need to save users from this. Nevermind that some of us want the option.

[-] inasaba@lemmy.ml 9 points 5 months ago

Sadly Murena only sells two models in Canada, one of which is the Pixel 5.

[-] inasaba@lemmy.ml 9 points 11 months ago

Patch 4 broke Vulkan. Try launching on DirectX; it launches for me, but has horrible graphics quality. (Pixelated shading, shear edges of hair and plants.)

[-] inasaba@lemmy.ml 10 points 1 year ago

Straightedge is a punk subculture, so if you're not into the music then I wouldn't use the term.

[-] inasaba@lemmy.ml 10 points 1 year ago

I have a Kindle. It does not support EPUB. This does affect me. I used to use a bookmarklet to send articles to my Kindle, and this would make that unfeasible.

[-] inasaba@lemmy.ml 9 points 1 year ago

ADHD impacts many people's most basic functioning. Routine chores like laundry or dishes pile up, you lose tools you need for the task at hand, you forget to do things that are necessary to maintain your health, and more. ADHD also has adverse effects on emotional regulation that can cause interpersonal conflict. None of these things would be alleviated under a different economic system.

We tend to focus mostly on the productivity gains of medication, but anyone who takes it will tell you how much it's improved their personal lives as well.

[-] inasaba@lemmy.ml 8 points 1 year ago

Caffeine at any dose gives me anxiety and restlessness. At too high of a dose (which is basically equivalent to a large cup of coffee at home or a normal Starbucks coffee) I get heart palpitations and panic spirals.

I haven't intentionally had caffeine in five years.

[-] inasaba@lemmy.ml 10 points 1 year ago

Emoticons ≠ emojis.

[-] inasaba@lemmy.ml 10 points 1 year ago

Okay but this is literally the racist usage of the word.

[-] inasaba@lemmy.ml 9 points 1 year ago

They're not the only ones calling y'all out. Stop defending using racist terms.

[-] inasaba@lemmy.ml 8 points 1 year ago

The conversion losses to feed animals is very high. It takes 76% less land for us to subsist on plants rather than to eat meat. Well, actually, that's the world average, it might be even higher in the US because of its higher meat consumption. I should check the study again.

[-] inasaba@lemmy.ml 9 points 1 year ago

All individuals are irreplaceable.

Loitering Is Delightful (www.theparisreview.org)
submitted 1 year ago by inasaba@lemmy.ml to c/simpleliving@lemmy.ml

Loitering. It's a word that has a negative connotation, but that describes a blissful state. This piece made me think about how few outlets there are left in the world for people to simply exist, without either producing or consuming something. The erosion of the "commons" is perhaps a discussion for another time, but presents a real problem. When I need to wait around downtown for something, the only places I may do so without paying are either small public parks — where police come and run me off after an hour — or the library.

I submitted another piece recently about "scheduled boredom." I think that for a lot of people that is a radical idea — we have become so accustomed to doing something either productive or consumptive even in our free time that the idea of just existing seems absurd. But this was the default state for me as a child. So much happiness came out of those times just sitting around and playing make-believe, chatting, or braiding wildflowers.

Like the author, I have been trying to carve out more moments that others might deem "loitering" in my life lately. And while my happy moments might be looked at jealously by passersby, or met with the refrain of "don't you have somewhere to be?", I can say that those moments are definitely bringing peace to my life.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by inasaba@lemmy.ml to c/simpleliving@lemmy.ml

The hobby? Contributing to OpenStreetMap. I found an app called Street Complete that makes it exceptionally easy, basically it just asks you questions about features along your walking route. Thanks to doing this, I've discovered several hidden features of the neighborhood like small public gardens full of herbs, public library boxes, and more.

Doing it also feels constructive, because I know I'm helping build up a resource to challenge Google's near-monopoly. It's very satisfying to clear all the dots from the map, and I find myself looking forward to my walks and planning out which streets I'll walk next.

Happy helping!

submitted 1 year ago by inasaba@lemmy.ml to c/simpleliving@lemmy.ml

With practice, we can (and should, Aristotle urges) structure our leisure to nurture the talents, tastes, and relationships that elevate us beyond the destructive work / recovery from work cycle, and that fulfill our potential as beings.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by inasaba@lemmy.ml to c/simpleliving@lemmy.ml
submitted 1 year ago by inasaba@lemmy.ml to c/simpleliving@lemmy.ml

Many elements of what people consider to be “living slowly” are connected back to pre-technology life, reflecting a collective yearning for offline simplicity. However — like other escapist trends (like cottagecore and coastal grandmother-core) that it has risen in conjunction with — it’s gone from being a helpful lifestyle change to an extremely online aesthetic.

This article really drives home to me how social media is so inauthentic that it can turn even a very personal, intentional, and counter-cultural movement like simple/slow living into an aesthetic, a performative hollow shell of its true meaning. I personally shudder at the idea of setting up a scene in my home for a photo to prove to others how "in the moment" I'm being — that feels inherently like not living in the moment.

I am very glad I do not use TikTok, Instagram, or any other media-focused website.

submitted 1 year ago by inasaba@lemmy.ml to c/zerowaste@lemmy.ml

No more non-recyclable plastic waste from the razors, and no more non-recyclable cans for shaving cream! Plus, the safety razor gives me less skin irritation. I bought a box of 100 blades in ~2013 and haven't run out yet!

submitted 1 year ago by inasaba@lemmy.ml to c/simpleliving@lemmy.ml

Note: I am not the original author of this text. It was originally posted to Reddit by /u/dime-a-dozen-00, who has given me permission to post it here.

This post doesn’t apply to everyone, specifically those experiencing loss or bereavement, but maybe it will in the future.

I have a habit of looking backwards in time and wishing I was in the good old days. When I was 20, I wished I could go back to my teens. When I was 30, I wished I could go back to when I was 20. I’m 35 now and I have a feeling when I am 40, I will wish for the life I have now.

So in short, there’s no time like the present. We don’t know how much time we have left so enjoy “the good old days” right now and make some memories.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by inasaba@lemmy.ml to c/simpleliving@lemmy.ml

Note: I am not the original author of this text. This post originally appeared on Reddit, posted by /u/Father_Idol, who has given me permission to repost it here. I have edited the title to be less accusatory, since this post is not appearing in its original context. References in the text to other posts are referring to posts on /r/simpleliving.

Hint: There is no such thing as an inherently simple job.

These posts pop up quite frequently but I feel like the amount we have had just in the past 48 hours is incredibly high. "I am quitting my job for the simple life"; "Can you live simple on a high salary"; "Am I doomed for a complicated life if I work 9-5".

You people are losing the forest through the trees. The path to simple living is through contentment and the path through contentment is by finding comfort in where you are. So if you are working a 9-5 job, ask yourself how YOU feel about that. If you aren't comfortable with that, ask yourself WHY. Explore YOUR motivations and thoughts. It is irrelevant what people on this board think about YOUR life (in general that is, of course targeted advice can be productive).

For example, some people find simple living through teaching English in Africa. I could never do that, it would be incredibly challenging, taxing, and not simple at all for me. But if someone chooses that path as a way towards simplicity, more power to them.

The point is, there is more than one path. Focus on self-reflection and find what works for YOU, not what other people want you to do.

submitted 1 year ago by inasaba@lemmy.ml to c/simpleliving@lemmy.ml
submitted 1 year ago by inasaba@lemmy.ml to c/simpleliving@lemmy.ml

Note: I am not the original author of this text. This was originally posted by /u/GodoftheStorms on Reddit, who has given me permission to repost it here.

Hello everyone! I was asked by u/inasaba to post this here. This post was originally written for a subreddit for people with Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (a condition resulting from long-term trauma). However, most people, whether they have trauma or not, may benefit from the information in it.

We live in a world where time spent in solitary reflection and decompression is becoming increasingly scarce. With constant access to digital distraction at our fingertips, most of us have lost the "margins" that used to serve a useful reparative, restorative, and incubatory purpose in human life. Scheduling some periods of "intentional boredom" can help create such margins of time where we don't have to do anything and are freed to let life sink in, process and digest it, contemplate, plan, and regenerate motivation and rediscover a sense of who we are. The original post follows.

A while back, I watched this podcast with neuroscientist Dr. Andrew Huberman about dopamine. Dopamine is often misunderstood as the "reward" hormone. In reality, it's more of our motivation hormone: our brains produce dopamine when we are presented with the opportunity to get something we want. Dopamine is involved in motor activity (people with Parkinson's suffer from low dopamine levels, which causes motor dysfunction symptoms), and it primes us to get moving in the direction of things we might enjoy.

I think dopamine is a big key in why many of us with C-PTSD suffer from executive dysfunction and related issues like learned helplessness, avoidance/procrastination, and difficulty completing activities or projects. When our early environment is characterized by aversive stimuli -- sources of pain, punishment, shame, humiliation, abandonment, etc. -- rather than attractive stimuli (sources of happiness, excitement, satisfaction, fulfillment, etc.), our main goal in life becomes to avoid pain rather than to pursue pleasure. Everyone has some degree of things they want to avoid, but when that becomes our primary focus, we lose out on opportunities to develop the other motivation system: expansion, exploration, experimentation, curiosity, goal pursuit, etc. For most people, life feels as if it's filled with opportunities to pursue pleasurable goals. For those of us with trauma, however, life is an endless succession of hurt we must avoid.

I believe this screws up our dopamine systems. Every goal takes on a threatening aspect. Every action is fraught with danger. Every path is dangerous. Every pursuit risky. No wonder we don't want to go anywhere or do anything out of a very narrow comfort zone! Our naturally-inborn pleasure-seeking instincts get clouded up with anxiety. Life is like navigating a minefield of potential pain, hurt, disappointment, shame, humiliation, etc. What should be stirring up our dopamine and motivating us to take action actually leaves us feeling conflicted, afraid, confused, and overwhelmed.

What's more, life can often become a series of obligations: "I should go there" or "I must do that" or "I have to be this sort of person." This leaves no room for finding and pursuing what we want, need, value, etc. Life becomes either an escape from pain or the joyless fulfillment of obligations that don't belong to us. This naturally induces anger, resentment, and resistance. No wonder we find ourselves unable to act! No one wants to be made to pursue goals that don't belong to them, especially when the rest of their life is characterized by a lack of joy, pleasure, or satisfaction. How can we recover our natural motivation system in this landscape of fearful stimuli and "the tyranny of shoulds" (to quote psychoanalyst Karen Horney)? Life is hardly a captivating experience when these are our only options...

One starting place, for me, has been "scheduled boredom." Those of us with C-PTSD spend so much of our lives in this driven, relentless, breathless flight from pain or pursuit of externally-imposed goals. Scheduled boredom is similar to the pop-psychology trend of dopamine fasting, but simpler. Essentially, every day, I schedule a block or two of time in which I do nothing. I literally just sit and do nothing. I put my phone away, turn my laptop off, put away books, music, TV, etc. And I just allow myself to sit and get bored on purpose.

This seems to have two main benefits:

  1. It gives me a break from constant stimuli, which can cause overwhelm, stress, and exhaustion. It allows me to "de-compress", slow down, and get reacquainted with what life actually is. You get back in touch with the slow pace of life, its quietness, its strange wonder. It gives me time to think and contemplate without distraction (a rare practice nowadays, but probably something most people did each evening or morning 100 or more years ago). Sometimes I do Focusing or some other form of self-inquiry, but mostly I just sit and wait. Sometimes an emotion will come up, and I will compassionately attend to it. Sitting and spending time with your emotions can be very healing in itself.
  2. It actually stirs up motivation to do things.

One important point that Huberman makes is that dopamine is essentially a resource of which we have a finite store at any given time. If you expose yourself to stimuli that spikes your dopamine by a lot, you have less of it in the immediate aftermath. This is why we often feel "strung out" or possibly even depressed, apathetic, or anhedonic after experiencing a high. Even smaller stimuli compounded over time can reduce our dopamine levels in the long-term: compulsively checking the news or social media (including Reddit or Youtube) presents us with an endless stream of potentially intriguing content, and spikes our dopamine levels with each new thumbnail or heading. Somehow, sitting and not moving or doing anything gets me in the mood to do stuff.

At first, when you first start intentionally allowing boredom into your life, you will probably find the simple stuff calls out to you to be done: cleaning up, watering your houseplants, reorganizing the bookshelf, etc. Then, you will probably find more substantial stuff you will want to do. When you feel the impulse to do something (that isn't just surfing the internet or social media), get up and do it. That's a healthy impulse and deserves to be nourished. I've been practicing "scheduled boredom" several times a week in the evenings (and during the day, I try not to use social media or surf the internet until after lunch). During this time, I've found the motivation to do things and even taken up new pursuits that I would have just distracted myself or exhausted myself before discovering: reading poetry, learning to code in Python, reading books about the most random topics, learning to write comedy/stand-up, etc.

Hope this is helpful for others! Some further reading:

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by inasaba@lemmy.ml to c/zerowaste@lemmy.ml
submitted 1 year ago by inasaba@lemmy.ml to c/simpleliving@lemmy.ml

Note: I am not the author of this text. This post was originally submitted to /r/simpleliving on Reddit by /u/penartist, who has given me permission to repost it here.

Someone asked me the other day what simple living meant to me. The title was my response. Simple living is "crafting a life I don't need a vacation from, that allows me to live in alignment with my values."

I find a lot of people have this notion that you need to minimize how much you work in order to live a simple life. My personal experience has been that crafting a life you don't need a vacation from can happen even when you work 40 hours a week. It is a mater of prioritizing how you spend your time outside of work.

Exercising and getting enough sleep are important as these two things can set your mood for everything else. Not overscheduling yourself and leaving lots of room for downtime. It is ok to have nothing to do. I also found that removing things that were time sinks was most helpful. It's easy to spend a few hours in front of a tv screen, scrolling the internet, watching YouTube videos etc., and feel like you didn't do anything.

My husband and I have always found a way to live a simple life right where we are. We were careful to not over extend our obligations outside of work so that we have lots of down time and don't feel like we need a vacation or too escape our day to day lives. We "right sized" our home to a small apartment to remove the need for yard work, home maintenance and upkeep. This freed up a huge amount of our time and our energy for things that we want to do. We removed tv from our home as well as it was a time sink and limit screen time.

We go to the farmers market on Saturday mornings and purchase produce for the week. We shop small and local and we cook from scratch. We spent time biking the rail trail and hiking in the state park or the forest near our apartment on the weekends when the weather is good. We read or play cards in the evenings, and we enjoy attending art openings and exhibitions, and live theater performances done by our local theater company on occasion. We listen to LPs and podcasts while creating art and I also enjoy knitting.

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