[-] isa41@lemm.ee 0 points 4 months ago

Yeah, the nazis and their defenders will always come out of the woodwork any time someone points out the (easily verifiable) facts regarding who really won WWII (the Soviet Union) and defeated the axis powers.

[-] isa41@lemm.ee 0 points 4 months ago

And you're a fuckin' clown.

[-] isa41@lemm.ee 3 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

Massive eyeroll

Blocking serves no purpose unless it's against people attached to their screenames. The sad person you're referencing and defending was a chronically-rules-violating and banned drama hound and it's good that their permanent site-wide ban finally stuck. If you are that person then, farquaad-point If you aren't, then you're stanning for someone that the mods of this site repeatedly found to be in violation of this site's code, they were a liberal shitbag in marxist sheep's clothing, and if you can't see that (fortunately the mods did) then that doesn't reflect well on you.

Anyway, yes, feel free to block this account too, and any of the other dozens I and everyone makes. You will still be reading the things I say on other accounts and not know it. It sucks, but it's simply how this works. Like, I would love it if the person you are or are cringingly stanning could no longer influence hexbear at all, but all they have to do is make yet another alt, just as they have before to evade their many justified bans.

Have a nice time

Yes, I am having a nice time. Are you though? Stanning banned users is far more "unseemly" than "starting an argument" which I wasn't doing.

And yes, I will reply. Like I said, you can block this account, but I'm laughing silently while you actually praise me on my other account! It's rather funny that you adore me on one account, but block me on another. That's something to consider when you talk about making the internet "better" by not interacting with "nuisances."

Anyway, you are still a highly sus new account.

[-] isa41@lemm.ee 3 points 9 months ago

You sound like one of those chud gamers who thinks making games more inclusive for other people detracts from the purity of the game. It's ablebist bullshit.

a fuckload of books and movies don’t hold my attention, should everything be re-edited to suit my neurology?

"There's a fuckload of places around the city that are wheelchair-accessible, should every public building be re-engineered to suit me just because I'm in a wheelchair?" A book or movie "not holding your attention" is a completely different thing than if a book or a movie didn't allow you to set it down or walk away from it. If a movie forced the people who wanted to watch it to do so entirely on the terms of the producer, like say, not letting people fast-forward through a scene with intense flashing lights, then yes, that's ableist and that movie should be criticized for being ableist and a version of it should be made so people with epilepsy could watch it.

You might as well ask for the spiciest food to cease to exist, to accommodate normal people, as though the vast majority of food is not spicy at all.

This is such a bullshit analogy that totally misrepresents what we're saying. ("We" being those of us who think games should not be ableist). We're not asking for spicy food to "not exist" in that we're not asking for your precious games who don't want people to be able to pause them to "not exist." They can exist just fine, as I described above, it doesn't have to be either/or, so you should stop pretending like it does. Just as a spicy food dish and a mild version of it can exist simultaneously. In fact it's funny that you'd even use that as an analogy since every restaurant I've ever been to gives its customers the option to order a hot or mild version of whatever spicy dishes it has on the menu.

[-] isa41@lemm.ee 8 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

tests of skill and ability are inherently ableist. There are plenty of games that allow pausing, they’re the majority, even. Let people have some that don’t for artistic or ludic purposes.

"Let us have a little ableism, as a treat."

The thing is, it doesn't need to be either/or.

I could try to get those to stop being made or i can go play any of the thousands of other games that aren’t like that

Or devs could do the same thing they've been doing for decades with difficulty levels. Before the start of a game, let users choose the difficulty levels and that could include whether or not they can pause the game. Users who wish to can then pause. This can be locked into the entirety of that playthrough. Problem solved.

Games almost never have to actually choose between ableism and the dev's vision for difficulty or pacing or whatever the fuck. Just give people the option. Hell, it would encourage people like me who struggle with difficult games to experience the game the way I am able, then try it again with higher difficulty (without being able to pause) rather than simply never being able to experience the game in the first place.

Given the reasons you listed why you can't play certain games, wouldn't you appreciate it if devs made the game in such a way where you could still choose to play it in the way you can, and let others play it as is? Obviously this isn't possible in all cases, and some while possible might require such a huge revamp of the game that it would effectively be a different game. This is not the case for simply being able to pause the game.

This isn't a lot to ask of devs for large masses of people who live lives where they will have to step away from a game without notice but would also like to not be punished by the game for doing so or outright unable to play it because of that life.

[-] isa41@lemm.ee 7 points 10 months ago
[-] isa41@lemm.ee 10 points 10 months ago

wrongshway erB

Is that some kind of pig-latin or code that we're supposed to "read into"? or is one of us having a stroke?

[-] isa41@lemm.ee 5 points 10 months ago

That word is internet slang, moron. It doesn't need to be tightly defined like it's scientific nomenclature. Even if it did, the way it's being used by the person talking to you is perfectly fine and understandable.

But I'm not surprised this is what you're getting hung up on because it's clear you have no idea what context is. You have demonstrated you are completely ignorant of the importance of historical and geopolitical context in general, and completely ignorant of the specific historical and geopolitical context of the Middle East. And now with your "hurr durr that's not what 'simping' means!!1!" deflection, you're showing you also don't understand the fundamental importance of context in language. It's no wonder you can't see anything beyond lines on a map.


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