I'd love it if Emulators added a license clause forbidding Nintendo and Nintendo affiliates from using it then took them to court.
The Doolittle raids are fairly well know but the fire bombings carried out after that were not. The E-46 cluster bomb was pretty terrible 3 - 5 seconds after hitting the ground a small explosion would ignite and spread flaming napalm. The updraft from the fires was so bad some bombers lost control and crashed.
China imports slave labor from N Korea, to make up supply shortages from over cleansing Uyghurs. Russia is using their slave population as cannon fodder right now, so I can't see them having many people left to trade.
They started buying weapons from N Korea with goats. Nothing signifies a strong economy like hocking food.
After the trade embargo, the mormans will run out of furniture. They'll have no tables to eat from, no chairs to sit on, no beds to sleep on. After a month the mormans will be exhausted and starving and ready to topple over with a single flick.
As awful as state controlled media is I look forward to reading the absurdities. The absolute distain communists have for jeans is absolutely hilarious, durable clothing made for sailors and miners is a sign of western opulence.
It's the government, it's not their money. Finding the discrepancy is extra work which is kryptonite to government employees.
Clearly you've never seen the war documentaries Predator or Commando.