Ooh, I didn't see zombies as a possible outcome
That's not exclusively British.
I'm not sure, and I know it depends both on the severity of a person's IBS and the type of magnesium supplement. But I drink a ton of water so I'd hate to have it supplemented with magnesium!
Man I loved Myst, this is cool!
Different strokes for different folks!
Magnesium can cause diarrhea so, as someone with IBS, no fucking thanks.
Common and disgusting, but unfortunately not always a joke. You probably know this but for the benefit of others who may not be aware, the Husband Stitch is a real thing that used to be pretty commonly done regardless of what the woman wanted and often without her foreknowledge or consent. It's an extra stitch or two placed when sewing a woman back up after a vaginal tear or episiotomy during labor. The purpose is to make the woman "tighter" so her husband can still enjoy having sex with her even though she's given birth, which is staggeringly misogynistic and cruel. And it usually results in really painful sex for the woman because her vaginal opening is artificially small plus now it has inflexible scar tissue. It's a horrific thing to do to a woman, especially after giving birth.
Dude this pic could've waited until your poo was finished
It's about what I would expect from the kind of person who buys squeezy jelly.
I chose to believe this is performance art
No idea. My uncle Joe has dwarfism and he makes a mean bowl of Count Chocula.