[-] masquenox@lemmy.ml 3 points 1 year ago

They're relatively cheap and provide a lot of nutritional value for the weight - I buy them in big bags straight from the farmer's market. Tree nuts (peanuts aren't actually nuts at all - they're legumes) are literally a luxury only the rich can afford in my country these days - kind of ironic since we're the world's top producer of macademia nuts.

Roasting them is actually important since that degrades aflatoxins - they also just taste better.

[-] masquenox@lemmy.ml 3 points 1 year ago

And offering nothing but slap-on-the-wrist apologetics for Israel's decades-old genocide while demonising Palestinians when they fight back makes you (somehow) less of a monster?

[-] masquenox@lemmy.ml 3 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Alleged genocide?

Yes, Clyde... an alleged genocide - you know, the one that only exists in your white supremacism-addled mind? You know... unlike the very real genocide Israel has been perpetrating since 1949? Complete with applause from fascist garbage-peddlers like you?

Israel’s goal is to kill Hamas, not civilians

Riiiiight... and I suppose next you'll be telling me the Nazis were only targeting "Jewish-Bolshevism" and not all Jewish people, eh fascist?

[-] masquenox@lemmy.ml 3 points 1 year ago

The only way Israel will ever stop the genocide is by ceasing to exist. If you don't understand that you don't understand what Israel is.

[-] masquenox@lemmy.ml 3 points 2 years ago

And the mod(s? was it ever more than one person?

Quite honestly it's difficult to tell whether it was all just an army of sock accounts or if this user (still going as ziq over on raddle) had actually managed to recruit some loyal followers into their weird little purity-testing cult or something. Either way, it's pretty fucked up.

But it did teach me an important lesson, though... any online space dedicated to leftists is going to inevitably attract these dangerous and toxic Napoleon-types (yes, I am naming them after the pig in Animal Farm - I'm going there) - people whose "leftism" only consists of that which facilitates their megalomania and who has the time and resources available to them to subvert those very spaces. It really explains why tankies have such a toxic presence online. Leftists should never fool themselves into assuming that someone understanding leftist theory automatically means they are acting in good faith.

So I don't get too heavily invested in leftist-only spaces - I prefer being out there engaging people and doing counter-propaganda. It just feels a whole lot more productive.

[-] masquenox@lemmy.ml 3 points 2 years ago

Hmmm... most interesting. Thanks!

[-] masquenox@lemmy.ml 3 points 2 years ago

Yeah... and that was just the US and their new bestie Saddam getting warmed up.

[-] masquenox@lemmy.ml 3 points 2 years ago

Don't forget the crimes Saddam committed back in the 80s - with US help, of course.

[-] masquenox@lemmy.ml 3 points 2 years ago

Right-wing ideology only exists to protect power and privilege, Clyde - it exists to hide the truth and nothing else.

But hey... maybe all that ivermectin you've been drinking will actually start working one of these days instead of slowly killing you, eh?

[-] masquenox@lemmy.ml 3 points 2 years ago

Honest question, at what point does a workshop transition from ownable to not

If you also live in it, it becomes personal property - ie, ownable by you personally.

or in the outdoors of town among large factories?

I mean, that pretty much means it already is factory-like and no, it doesn't become ownable (unless you also live in it). If it involves other people's labor, then all the grey areas vanishes - it becomes communal.

The picture above is not completely accurate - a community might decide, for instance, that all firearms must be communally owned - ie, as in a communal arsenal (essentially a library for guns) - which, let's face it, would probably be necessary anywhere in the US (because it has more guns than people - and far less sense).

[-] masquenox@lemmy.ml 3 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago)

"Centrism" is the wet spot left over when liberals and conservatives fuck.

[-] masquenox@lemmy.ml 3 points 2 years ago

The US propaganda complex is the most spectacularly successful propaganda effort to ever exist - even modern-day China have zero hopes of even approaching it.

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