we need an emoji of the screen cap of starship troopers where the guy is communicating with the queen bug and is like "it's scared"
Israel ~~Germany~~ deploying pseudoscientific archaeologists to prove the racial heritage of Lebanon ~~Northern Europe~~
MFG'ING actually stands for motherfucking gooning
because liberals haven't had a real uprising in almost 300 years
reddit post (derogatory)
the issue of living space
lmfao the title isn't even a joke at this point
sending love, comrade ❤️
Lebanese civilians are throwing rocks at the UNFIL troops stationed in Beirut. May the UN finally face its own music or face its own demise.
first good thing the French have done
I feel the same every time I see JavaScript. C++ is one of those ugly but also elegant languages you should try at least once.
joined 4 months ago
lmao US is about to get their dream handed on a plate so either this is utter BS or Assad really thinks Biden would suddenly turn face out of nowhere and save his ass