I think that's a great idea. However they should have to report WHY they are threatened. Make them disclose how many life they ruined or people died cause of their financial motivated decisions.

[-] minimalfootprint@discuss.tchncs.de 12 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

In EVE everything within 1000km is on the same "grid". within a solar system you can only warp to known locations. That includes locations that were manually saved or celestial objects like moons and planets.

That means when someone warps to a moon, they can see anyone who warped to that moon, since they are on the same grid.

A safe spot is a location that isn't on the same grid as a known location. You can still be scanned down by someone, but there are ways to know about it.

Edit: Its been a while and I'm no expert, so anyone feel free to correct me.

Thanks for saying this.

With recent campaigns and rants against digital media, people often claim that "you own the game if you buy a physical copy". That always makes me sigh, because it's false.

Not saying there are some advantages for some use cases, but I dislike hyperbole and untruths.

Ugh. I kind of wish you would just go gracefully into the background Peter.

He passed gracefully 2 or 3 "games" ago. The quotation marks, because they were basically abandoned for a new gimmick, without delivering.

I joined one group buy for keycaps. Took 3 years! Switched to Topre keyboards. Now I either need to buy new sliders or sell the keycaps.

Group buys are absolutely not for me.

Und wieder einmal zeigen Gerichte, dass sie noch nicht im 21. Jahrhundert angekommen sind.

Die Schlussfolgerungen, die ich aus dem Artikel ziehe ist, dass das (unwissende) Teilen von falschen Informationen (retweeten etc.) bestraft werden kann. Dabei kann irgendeine Person dafür belangt werden, weil es zu schwer sei alle oder die ursprüngliche Person ausfindig zu machen. Aber genau das soll der Bestrafte tun, wenn er Geld von den anderen "Tätern" bekommen will?

This position could only happen with an illegal move. Another monarch would never permit the pawns to kill royalty and their police force would never help.

Did you ever wonder why the game is over just before a king dies?!?

[-] minimalfootprint@discuss.tchncs.de 11 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

Im ersten Quartal wurden nach Angaben der Bundesregierung 4.791 Menschen abgeschoben, das sind 34 Prozent mehr als im Vorjahreszeitraum.

Wenn wir in dem Tempo weitermachen, ist das Problem ja schon in ... Jahrzehnten gelöst. Also sollten wir nicht an anderen Lösungen wie Integration, Budgets von Kommunen, etc. arbeiten /s

Zu der Zeit habe ich ein paar Beiträge dazu gelesen. Ich fand erschreckend, dass die Gefahr, die vom Verkehr ausgeht nur durch Unfallzahlen bestätigt werden kann. Das bedeutet es muss erst Unfälle, Verletzungen und Tode geben, bevor man es als Grund für Änderungen nutzen kann.

Auto über alles

[-] minimalfootprint@discuss.tchncs.de 10 points 10 months ago

No, it's an android app.

I don't like to install an app for every service or product, but newpipe adds so much value, that it's a no-brainer for me.

[-] minimalfootprint@discuss.tchncs.de 12 points 10 months ago

More and more aspects of life require an app or at least a smartphone (QR codes). That already excludes older people from some aspects of daily life. Let's do the same for kids!

Politicians should do their jobs and regulate tech and social media not ban useful devices.

[-] minimalfootprint@discuss.tchncs.de 13 points 11 months ago

I hop between invidious, piped and Freetube regularly. Had some instances when both piped and invidious don't work at all.

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