Nothin beats it because nothing wants to touch it with a ten foot pole
Hope you requested before you pulled
Lord, give me this man's superpowers
Okay, but what if they're neither pediatricians nor veterinarians?
Just had that happen to me today. Setup logging statements and reran the job, and it ran successfully.
Matter of life or death for one guy, just another day for the other guy.
This is just microsoft executing their Extinguish stage.
Hail Hydrant!
This is the way. I want all places and all businesses to have healthy competitors. Businesses should not be allowed to acquire other businesses unless they have been operating in losses for at least 5 years. That’s how all this monopolistic bullshit will stop.
You can feel bad if you not getting the raise helps the other employees you’re feeling bad for. That of course never happens. The only party gaining by you not asking for a raise is your employer.
Is there a working drm removal tool for kindle books?
He already knows everything there is to know about horns, talons, guts, and tails.