Stardew Valley and Terraria are way more deserving. Not even paid DLC, but free and substantial game updates.
neither Red Dead Redemption nor Elden Ring were released in 2024, what the hell?
I adore Elden Ring but DLC doesn't count as a whole new game.
I don't know what that phrase is.
I just looked it up and read up on it and I still don't know what that phrase is.
Matter exists and we're made of matter and we behave as if matter exists and that we're made of matter? As opposed to what??
The possibility of needing to deal with Asus tech support kinda ruins this whole thing.
I want artistically turbulent glass now, dangit
Impossible Burgers already exist and are fucking delicious.
But, sure, if I can have pastrami or corned beef again without requiring a cow experience a life full of torment, emit a cow's lifetime of methane, or have any of that happen where a forest should instead have been left untouched, I'd try it!
Loud music in restaurants
People reacting loudly at sports (sudden clapping, yelling, etc)
Leather not letting sweat evaporate
Advertising you not?
Live and drink!
It's great. Been using it for three or four years now. Never looked back.
I forgot about free nights and weekends!