I can't really tell if they are inside or on top of the sand grains. The sand is from a reservoir near me, so all the little guys are in water. Water apparently feels more viscous the smaller you are.
Just the dirt and water near me. Lots of fellas in there. You can check out some of my previous posts I've posted some videos.
My newest video uses the new camera.
I got a new camera for my microscope!!! More detail on all the little fellas.
What would make you happy?
Glad I use open source maps apps.
Heck yeah, this is great
This would change everything.
I've never looked that close, but now that I have I'm on your side.
Kinda wild we can be guilted into buying more because some folks won't help others unless they profit.
If only we could all use less and that be the good thing that it obviously should be.
joined 2 months ago
We doin wall sized screens now? No monitor that would fit on my desk needs 8k. I swear you gotta take a microscope to 4k to see the pixels.
Edit: can't we just do VR instead of building bigger screens? Seems cheaper.